Expectations: Bibi-Biden meeting will be cordial

Jan Markell, founder and director of Olive Tree Ministries, understands why Netanyahu plans to praise Biden.

“Obviously he knows he’s been so marginalized under Joe Biden, so I just think it’s going to be a very, very awkward time,” Markell tells AFN. “But Bibi’s been a lifelong politician. He knows he’s got to say the right thing at the right time, and right now he has to say that Joe Biden is a great friend.

America’s Approaching Apocalypse – Terry James

Some will likely say, “There he goes again with his Amero-centricity.” But America has never been more front and center in the roaring of the seas and waves of humanity as it is during this late prophetic moment. I find that I can do no other than examine end-times matters within the apocalyptic milieu surrounding this profoundly unique experiment in liberty—this nation-state called America . . . .