Prophecy News Watch
WAYNE ROOT: Wildfire Alone Didn’t Destroy Los Angeles
I left Malibu, California 23 yrs ago because of high taxes and liberal morons. I just couldn’t take the liberals and their crazy, radical, extreme ideas anymore. I moved to Las Vegas. It was the best move of my life.
Adam Carolla Explains How He Applied to be a Los Angeles Firefighter But Was Turned Away for Being a White Male (VIDEO)
Gateway Pundit
Several years ago, comedian Adam Carolla told a story under testimony that he once applied to become a firefighter in Los Angeles but was told he would have to wait years to even take the test because he is a white male.
A Farm Recession Arrives: Implications For Farmers, Food Prices, And The Economy
In Minnesota, Sarah Thompson has run her family’s 1,200-acre farm for over two decades, growing soybeans and corn alongside raising livestock. This year, her farm faced one of its most challenging seasons. Fertilizer prices, which surged over 70% in recent years, are still far above pre-pandemic levels, and the price of feed for her livestock has nearly doubled.
Incompetence Is Why Fire Insurance Companies Have Fled California
PJ Media
“Climate change” is the lazy excuse the Democrats have used to explain why there have been more fires and more damage from them. They claim that fires are more fiery these days. If that’s true then why? California has always suffered from Santa Ana winds, wildfires, and hot weather.