Post Rapture Chaos

Published July 22, 2024
What happens after the Rapture of believers? What about children left behind? And when might the Third Temple be built. This and other topics discussed at Understanding the Times June 6 with Mark Hitchcock, Mark Henry, and Jan Markell. Many will be glad Christians are gone.

Government Weaponized Viruses?

Published July 09, 2024
Pastor Mark Henry and Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries sit down with Dr. Mark Hitchcock to discuss how the Bible addresses the days we are living in. The following is taken from the “Understanding the Times” prophecy event held at Revive Church on June 6, 2024.

Acceleration of End-Time Events!

Published June 26, 2024
Jan Markell joins “The Prophecy Pros”, Jeff Kinley and Todd Hampson, to discuss how events are accelerating and converging half way through 2024.

Is America Unraveling?

Published June 24, 2024
Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Jan Markell, and Pastor Mark Henry engage in a discussion at our Understanding the Times June 6 in Minneapolis. We are watching the new America in the image of leftists and globalists.

Doctrine Matters

Published June 17, 2024
Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Jan Markell, and Mark Henry discuss troubling doctrine that prospers in our churches. The people in the pews cannot understand the times believing this. This event was from Understanding the Times June 6, 2024, in Minneapolis.

Watching and Waiting

Published June 07, 2024
Jan Markell and Mark Henry, host an evening with Mark Hitchcock at our June Understanding the Times night. Due to our times, believers are watching and waiting for His return more than ever. Dr. Hitchcock outlines seven significant events to happen as outlined in the Bible.

How Dangerous is AI?

Published May 21, 2024
People do not know the hidden power of A.I. as it encroaches on all of us daily. This is from Understanding the Times spring 2024 with Alex Newman, Jan Markell, and Pastor Mark Henry.

The Coming Clash: Israel, Iran and Ezekiel’s War

Published May 16, 2024
Jan Markell and Mark Hitchcock look at some current event issues that are prominent today and how they tie to the Bible. The world scene is heading towards chaos as the world lacks a leader.

What’s Techno-Communism?

Published May 13, 2024
Jan Markell, Alex Newman, and Pastor Mark Henry answer this at our last Understanding the Times conference April 11.

What Is Paganistan?

Published May 05, 2024
Jan Markell talks about her visit to a pagan pride weekend in the Twin Cities called Paganistan. Such an event is likely in your neighborhood. This was at our Understanding the Times with Alex Newman and Pastor Mark Henry on April 11.

High Price Duplicity

Published May 01, 2024
Do you wonder why America is experiencing unspeakable turmoil and chaos? Could it be our policies towards Israel? Jan Markell, Pastor Mark Henry, and Alex Newman address this in this very short clip at an Understanding the Times in Minneapolis.

Should Christians Study Bible Prophecy?

Published April 24, 2024
Dr. Hixson welcomes Pastor Josh Schwartz from Olive Tree Ministries to the program to discuss the importance of studying Bible prophecy and how it will benefit believers to understand God’s plan of the ages.

Are You Paying Attention Yet?

Published April 22, 2024
Jan Markell and Tom Hughes consider current issues that stretch credulity, yet are worthy of our attention. The Bible predicted a society in the last days that would love evil and all do what is right in their own eyes!

Ken Mikle: Divide Citizens, Orchestrate Chaos, Overwhelm Systems

Published April 22, 2024
Ken Mikle is a representative for Olive Tree Ministries. He and David Fiorazo discuss the created spiritual, political, and social civil war that is happening in our country, with the goal of a ‘great global reset.’

End-Time Delusion

Published April 14, 2024
Pastor Brandon Holthaus interviews Jan Markell. They consider so much end-time delusion abounding today!  Even though this was predicted, it can be overwhelming to observe.

You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy

Published April 12, 2024
Alex Newman, Pastor Mark Henry, and Jan Markell discuss the slow takeover of society by the globalists who are revealing their last days’ plan for all of us. How much of this does the Church see? This was at our spring Understanding the Times’ event in Minneapolis.

Is Global Government Bewitched?

Published March 24, 2024
Jan Markell, Mondo Gonzales, and Pastor Mark Henry discuss the dark side of the global government push at our recent Understanding the Times event outside of Minneapolis.

Can We Turn Things Around Before the Rapture?

Published March 17, 2024
Jan Markell, Pastor Mark Henry, and Mondo Gonzales talk about things on earth turning around before the Rapture. Can the next U.S. election turn things around? Can revival turn things around? This was at our recent Understanding the Times’ event in Minneapolis.

The Seeker’s Circus Church

Published March 06, 2024
Mondo Gonzales, Jan Markell, and Pastor Mark Henry look at the “seeker church” today and how it has corrupted the worship service. This is from our February Understanding the Times.

Comfort in Perilous Times

Published February 23, 2024
Enjoy our one-night Understanding the Times event February 22 in Minneapolis with Mondo Gonzales, Jan Markell, and Mark Henry. The rapture of believers is the comfort Christians have in mind-numbing times when little makes sense. Also a panel discussion and Q & A.

Apocalypse Unleashed

Published February 21, 2024
Jan Markell and Jimmy Evans discuss how our world has changed since October 7. End-time events are now accelerating like never before.

The Antichrist: Is He About to Appear?

Published December 18, 2023
Jan Markell is a guest of Pastor Tom Hughes. Their discussion concerns some stunning events that indicate we are just seconds from Midnight. A trumpet could sound today, announcing the catching up of believers.

What is De-Banking?

Published December 18, 2023
Pastor Mark Henry and Jan Markell sit down with Pastor Barry Stagner to discuss how your life choices will determine if you will have access to your money and much more. The cashless system is coming! This excerpt is taken from the “Understanding the Times” prophecy event held at Revive Church on October 5, 2023.

Will Klaus Schwab Get It All?

Published December 11, 2023
Pastor Mark Henry and Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries, sit down with Pastor Barry Stagner to discuss the ideology of globalization and what it means to be a part of the global community. This excerpt is taken from the “Understanding the Times” prophecy event in Minneapolis.

When Demons Were Unleashed

Published December 04, 2023
Jan Markell is the guest of David Fiorazo on Worldview Matters. They discuss some of the stunning events of 2023 including the trauma of October 7 when demons were unleashed.

Israel & Bible Prophecy

Published November 15, 2023
Jan Markell joins “The Prophecy Pros”—Jeff Kinley and Todd Hampson—to discuss the prophecy-related issues surrounding the current Mideast crisis.

Why Is the Church Silent?

Published October 29, 2023
Jan Markell with Olive Tree Ministries, and Pastor Mark Henry with Mark Henry Ministries, ask why is much of the church silent at such a crucial time in history for the world and the church? Those being silent are reflective of the church in Nazi Germany.

Middle East Burning: Where Is It Going?

Published October 18, 2023
Jan Markell talks to Alex McFarland about many aspects of the Israel-Hamas War. What does the Bible have to say about it? Where might it all be headed?

Israel, God’s People

Published October 11, 2023
What is wrong with many churches who are silent in the wake of the atrocities in Israel? It is their theology! They believe the church is Israel.

Foreshadowing of Gog and Magog?

Published October 10, 2023
Jan Markell and Pastor Mark Henry look at the war in Israel with Hamas. What are the Biblical implications?

As You See the Day Approaching

Published October 08, 2023
This is our Understanding the Times October, 2023 one-night event in Minneapolis featuring Pastor Barry Stagner, Jan Markell, and Pastor Mark Henry. The three looked at a dozen current event issues.

Time is Short — Don’t Grow Weary

Published September 26, 2023
Tom Hughes and Jan Markell discuss the lateness of the hour on Tom’s YouTube channel—Hope for Our Times. What is “rapture fatigue”? What are the top issues to watch while we wait that indicate time is growing perilously late? What makes our generation very unique?

A Customizable Jesus?

Published September 25, 2023
This is a short segment from our recent Understanding the Times one-night event in Minneapolis with Jeff Kinley, Jan Markell, and Mark Henry. There is also a few moments of our Q & A. Join us for our next such event October 5, 2023. See our “Events” page.

The New Digital Prison

Published September 18, 2023
It’s not coming. It’s here. Here is a discussion between Jeff Kinley, Mark Henry, and Jan Markell at Understanding the Times, August 2023. When will you encounter this?

Reduce the Population: Are You Among the Expendable?

Published September 11, 2023
Jan Markell, Jeff Kinley, and Mark Henry discuss the left’s war on life. Kamala Harris talks about population reduction, but she isn’t referring to the elite! Just to the working class which includes most all of us. This was at a recent Understanding the Times’ event in Minneapolis, MN.

This Apostasy is Alarming

Published August 28, 2023
Jeff Kinley, Jan Markell, and Pastor Mark Henry look at the growing apostasy in our churches today. This was at our Understanding the Times, August 3, 2023.

Will UFOs Be the Rapture Excuse?

Published August 21, 2023
Pastor Mark Henry and Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries, sit down with Pastor Jeff Kinley to discuss how the world may use aliens and UFOs to explain the events of the rapture. This excerpt is taken from the “Understanding the Times” prophecy event held at Revive Church on August 3, 2023.

Running Away from Revelation

Published August 16, 2023
Jeff Kinley, Mark Henry and Jan Markell consider the reluctance to consider the Book of Revelation in our churches today.  This was at Understanding the Times August 3, 2023

God’s Grand Finale: How Soon?

Published August 04, 2023
Enjoy our Understanding the Times one-night conference in Minneapolis on August 3, 2023 with Jeff Kinley, Mark Henry, and Jan Markell. We are in the countdown to the end of the Church Age and the Rapture of the church.

Infants Shall Rule

Published June 30, 2023
Some very incompetent people are making laws—and breaking laws while they are US leaders. How long will God tolerate this?  Why is the church still here other than to be salt and light and to delay the decay?  This is an 8-minute segment from our Understanding the Times event in May with Bill Koenig, Michele Bachmann, Jan Markell and Pastor Mark Henry.

What Were You Expecting?

Published June 26, 2023
Join the panel of Bill Koenig, Jan Markell, Michele Bachmann, and Pastor Mark Henry as they ask, “What did you think the last days would look like?” This was a part of our May Understanding the Times event in Minneapolis. Be informed with this five-minute video.

All Hail the Power

Published June 05, 2023
Satan is making a last-minute push but he can’t compare with the power of Jesus Christ who overcame the world and the devil. That’s why we all hail the power of Jesus’ Name. This was at our recent Understanding the Times meeting with Bill Koenig, Michele Bachmann, Pastor Mark Henry, and Jan Markell May 11.

Green Climate King

Published May 28, 2023
The U.K’s King Charles is more about protecting the environment than his people.  Is he an apocalyptic player? The panel of Michele Bachmann, Bill Koenig, Pastor Mark Henry, and Jan Markell analyze it.

God is No Respecter of Persons

Published May 22, 2023
The panel considers “Campaign 2024” and the presidential candidates. No matter who the candidate is on either side, there is one huge factor that must be considered. Bill Koenig, Michele Bachmann, Jan Markell, and Pastor Mark Henry discuss this.

The Wise Will Understand

Published May 12, 2023
Our spring Understanding the Times conference with Bill Koenig, Michele Bachmann, Jan Markell, and Pastor Mark Henry. Many issues of the day were considered and discussed.

Will Bank Bailouts Lead to Digital Currency?

Published May 02, 2023
Pastor Mark Henry, Pastor Tom Hughes, and Jan Markell consider this question at a recent Understanding the Times event in Minneapolis. Is the predicted cashless society of Revelation on the horizon?

Are Natural Disasters Birth Pains?

Published April 17, 2023
Mark Henry, Tom Hughes, and Jan Markell ask this question at a recent Understanding the Times one-night gathering in Minneapolis. Are the foreshadowed events in the Bible casting a shadow on the Church Age?

Published April 17, 2023
Mark Henry, Tom Hughes, and Jan Markell ask this question at a recent Understanding the Times one-night gathering in Minneapolis. Are the foreshadowed events in the Bible casting a shadow on the Church Age?

Is This the Final Push?

Published March 17, 2023
We are seeing a final push for a New World Order, the prophesied one-world system. Things are all falling into place.

The Rise of Darkness

Published March 13, 2023
Jan Markell and Tom Hughes discuss the rising darkness in our world. This is all the more reason we need the hope of Christ’s return—our blessed hope!  Believers who have this can deal with the sinking culture and can better cope with dark headlines!  All the more we say, “come quickly, Lord Jesus.”

Don’t Dance with the Devil

Published February 04, 2023
Why are Christians flirting with the occult in many modern day practices including Christian Yoga, Enneagram, and contemplative prayer? Pastor Brandon Holthaus, Jan Markell, and Pastor Mark Henry consider this at Understanding the Times, January, 2019.

Circus Church

Published February 04, 2023
This is a short clip from Understanding the Times January 19, 2023, with Pastor Brandon Holthaus, Jan Markell, and Pastor Mark Henry. Some churches today will stoop to new lows to draw people in, but will never give the true gospel.

Proximity Current Event Discussion and Q & A

Published January 30, 2023
In this video, Amir Tsarfati, Pastor Barry Stagner, Jan Markell, and Mike Golay conduct a discussion on current events, followed by a short Q & A, to close off the Proximity Bible Prophecy Conference held on January 28 in Southern California.

Deliver Us From Evil – Understanding the Times: January 19, 2023

Published January 20, 2023
Pastor Brandon Holthaus, Pastor Mark Henry, and Jan Markell talk about increased demonic harassment against believers, the World Economic Forum’s Davos meeting, deception in the church, and more, at our bi-monthly conference in January.  What is the “circus church”?  What questions should you ask when looking for a new church? This and much more!

Looking Back and Looking Forward

Published December 15, 2022
Jan Markell and Mondo Gonzales consider the events of 2022 and speculate on the things to come in the new year. The world is reeling as the Church Age winds down, yet all of this was predicted in the Bible for a last generation.

Ye Shall Be As Gods

Published October 09, 2022
Enjoy our Understanding the Times’ event for October, 2022. Pastor Billy Crone, Pastor Mark Henry, and Jan Markell spend an evening looking at Transhumanism and the quest for immortality apart from God. They consider many other last days’ issues as well. Watch the stunning convergence happening today that the panel considers.

End Times Countdown Clock

Published September 21, 2022
Jan and Jimmy Evans look at the convergence of end-time events playing out in our day today.

When These Things Begin to Happen—Look Up

Published August 07, 2022
Olive Tree’s bi-monthly Understanding the Times event August 4, 2022, with Michele Bachmann, Jan Markell, and Pastor Mark Henry. What markers are telling us that we are seeing the day of His return approaching?

So What Are You Feeling? – Pastor Mark Henry and Jan Markell

Published June 30, 2022
Pastor Mark and Jan analyze the current tide of our times: the me-first thinking, if it feels good, do it, and the love of many growing cold. This and more is prophesied for an end-time generation. How do we cope with it?

The Reset Rising

Published June 11, 2022
This is our June Understanding the Times event in Minneapolis. Mark Hitchcock, Jeff Kinley, Jan Markell and Mark Henry consider the staggering rise of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. What does this mean for you and those you love?

Are We Ready for a New World Order?

Published April 23, 2022
Pastor Brandon Holthaus, Pastor Mark Henry and Jan Markell consider the rising one-world system at our bi-monthly Understanding the Times conference in Minneapolis.

The Importance of Understanding the End Times

Published April 11, 2022

2022 Midwest Bible Prophecy Conference

Published April 4, 2022

Jan Markell on Faith and Politics

Published March 15, 2022

Ten Signs Jesus Is Coming

Published February 12, 2022
And Understanding the Times special one-night event with Pastor Tom Hughes, Pastor Mark Henry, and Jan Markell.

Jan Markell Talks Bible Prophecy with Tina Griffin

Published February 7, 2022
Jan Markell talks to Tina, the “Counter Culture Mom”, about issues of the day from a biblical and prophetic perspective.

Proximity Conference Q & A – January 29, 2022

Published January 31, 2022

When History Repeats Itself – Pastor Mark Henry, Jan Markell, and Evelyn Hinds

Published December 10, 2021

Tribulation Rising: Pastor Billy Crone, Pastor Mark Henry, Jan Markell

Published October 18, 2021

Days of Delusion: Michele Bachmann, Pastor Mark Henry, Jan Markell

Published August 14, 2021

A Watchman’s Voice for Today – Jan Markell

Published August 9, 2021

Prophetic Perspectives: The Rapture Under Attack!

Published March 30, 2021

Prophetic Perspectives: 10 Top Prophetic Trends

Published March 9, 2021

Prophetic Perspectives: Spirit of Antichrist Unleashed

Published February 10, 2021

Prophetic Perspectives: Unmasking the Great Reset

Published February 5, 2021