We are excited to offer special training for pastors in the area of Eschatology and Israelology. We will be bringing in high-caliber teachers for three intense days of learning. These days will revolve around the bi-monthly prophecy conferences at Revive Church in Brooklyn Park, MN. The conference will be hosted by Mark Henry Ministries and Olive Tree Ministries. We have a deep desire to equip and encourage pastors to faithfully handle God’s Word as they preach the Gospel to God’s people and the world.

Our May 2025 Huddle speakers are David Tal and Trevor Rubenstein. The Huddle topic is A Historical, Geo-Political, and Biblical Examination of the Land and People of Israel.

David has served as Tank Commander and Major in the IDF. David is a highly sought after Israeli tour guide with knowledge and expertise in the land and politics of the Nation and People of Israel.

David Tal

Trevor was born in Virginia, Minnesota where he was raised in a nominal Conservative Jewish home. His family moved to Littleton, Colorado when he was a boy. He received his Bar Mitzvah at thirteen but later embraced atheism. He struggled with depression and consistent thoughts of suicide which led to drinking and drug abuse. He was eventually expelled from high school. Later, when attending a local community college he unknowingly entered a Bible study put together by a cult. He read the words of Jesus for the first time and became overwhelmed by the presence of the Lord. By the grace of God He never joined the cult but soon after did give his life to Jesus (Yeshua). Immediately after his salvation, the depression was gone and he never returned to the substance abuse. Trevor developed a broken heart for the lost and those he could relate to – the depressed, the addict, those involved in cults, but especially the Jewish people.

Trevor Rubenstein


  • Tuesday, May 20, 6–8 PM: Session #1
  • Wednesday, May 21, 9–11 AM: Session #2
  • Wednesday, May 21, 1:30–3:30 PM: Session #3
  • Thursday, May 22, 9–11 AM: Session #4
  • Thursday, May 22, 1:30–3:30 PM: Session #5
  • Thursday, May 22, 7–9 PM: “Understanding the Times” Prophecy Event

This is intended for Lead/Teaching Pastors only.


We are blessed to offer the three-day conference and teaching FREE of charge, as a GIFT to BLESS you! You will be responsible for flight (MSP airport) and lodging expenses and arrangements. Meals will be provided. Scholarships are available; the application form is available at the bottom of this registration form.

HOTEL INFO: Holiday Inn & Suites Maple Grove NW Mpls-Arbor Lakes (11801 Fountains Way N, Maple Grove, Minnesota 55369). This hotel has great conference amenities. You can book a room by calling the hotel at 763-425-3800 and asking for the “Pastors Huddle” block or by using this link.

Questions? Contact Pastor Josh.

The October 2024 Pastor’s Huddle was phenomenal. We had over 30 pastors and their wives in attendance from the four corners of the US and Canada. The pastors had a fantastic time being encouraged in the Word and sharpening their skills of exegesis. We covered “A Biblical and Theological Evaluation of Replacement Theology (Supercessionism)”. At Olive Tree Ministries we are so thankful for pastors who are willing to put in the hard work to faithfully and consistently handle and proclaim the Word of God. If you know of a pastor who would like to attend the next Huddle, please have him reach out to Pastor Josh.

If you have any questions, please contact: Pastor Josh

Olive Tree Ministries
PO Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN 55311-6452
9 am – 4 pm (CST)

“The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26