Jan Markell welcomes Michele Bachmann. The globalists heads are exploding thanks to America’s new president. All program participants, including Josh Schwartz, Ken Mikle, and Tom Hughes in part 2, discuss Stargate, which is foreshadowing the coming Beast system. Whoever controls A.I. will control the world.
Did Obama Send Missiles to Hezbollah?
The Obama administration had also handed out TOW missiles like candy to Sunni Jihadists across the border during the Syrian civil war. Some of these were captured by Shiite Jihadists, including Hezbollah, fighting for the Assad regime and then transported to Lebanon.
Trump/Netanyahu Meeting Could Reshape Middle East
Prophecy News Watch
The speed of the invitation may have come as a bit of a surprise to some, but like many other items on his policy agenda, Trump is wasting no time putting diplomacy into motion. The president has stated repeatedly that he wants the wars raging around the world to come to a close.
Deliverer or Globalist: Popular Perspectives on Donald Trump that Fall Short of Reality
Many in this crowd hold to the false teaching of Dominion Theology, which asserts that the church will cure society of all its troubles and usher in the Millennium. This errant doctrine contradicts biblical passages of Jesus’ preeminence by reducing His future role. . . . .
The Trump Arrangement Syndrome – Terry James
One of the more amusing aspects of the ongoing hatred these TDS entities project is that they now–after Donald J. Trump’s win—seem to be joining in agreement with those of us who study Bible prophecy from the pre-Trib view. I’ve heard some of these anti-God types refer to Trump as “the Antichrist” a number of times . . .