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Jan Markell and Dr. Gary Frazier discuss many deception-in-the-church issues. Why is the church stressing experience, emotions, and entertainment? Surely these are the days when many will not give heed to sound doctrine. What can you do? They are playing off of the newest Terry James’ book titled “Deceivers,” found here.
The Escalating Convergence
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Jan Markell offers brief interviews of all of her 2018 conference speakers talking about current events, prophecy, church issues, and more. Hear Pastor J.D. Farag, Amir Tsarfati, Pastor Jack Hibbs, Pastor Billy Crone and Eric Barger. We offer CDs and DVDs of this event held September 29. Visit our online store or call us. We use the mobile app found at
Defiance: The Consequences of Government as God
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Jan Markell welcomes Michele Bachmann and Phil Haney to the studio to discuss current issues. Are we seeing an early foreshadowing of the predicted end-time lawlessness and defiance? The Left wants government to be god. They will not stop until they have dethroned the true God for an evil agenda, open borders, socialism, and global government. Perhaps the predicted days of Noah have returned. We use the mobile app found at
Warning: When the East Seduces the Church
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Jan spends the hour with Jessica Smith former Yoga instructor and Reiki Master. How has the Kundalini spirit entered the church today with “sanctified” versions of Eastern practices that are blatantly occult? Jessica gives warnings from her years of being drenched in Eastern mysticism. Learn more at We use the mobile app found at
And Such Were Some of You
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Jan Markell hosts a roundtable of three Christian leaders who report that the LGBTQ agenda is the biggest challenge the church faces today. What will you do when friends or family announce they are gay? At the same time the church is caving to this agenda and embracing the lie that homosexuality is not a sin. Hear pastors apologize for not being tolerant. We use the mobile app at