The Last Hour

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Jan Markell’s guest for the hour is Amir Tsarfati. We are in the last hour before the storm. What is the coming turmoil and who are the players? This is the best opportunity ever to be a watchman and to “occupy until He comes.” Ignore the scoffers! Time is short. We use the mobile app found at

What is God Saying to the Nations?

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God has a special message for Israel but He also has a word for the nations. What is God saying to the nations? This is Michele Bachmann’s message at “Understanding the Times 2017” last October. The nations will be judged on just how they treated Israel who has been a blessing to the nations! Find complete sets of conference CDs and DVDs here. We use the mobile app found at

Storm Warning

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Jan Markell’s guests include David Fiorazo and Mike LeMay from “Stand Up for the Truth” radio. Because government is god to the secular Left, there is an all-out assault on everything Christian. Christians in America are the targets of choice. Prepare yourselves as this will come to your neighborhood. A terrible storm is coming. We use the mobile app found at


Millions Missing: Who’s to Blame?

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Jan Markell talks to Pastor Billy Crone for the hour. We carry his new book, “UFOs, the Great Last Days’ Deception” found here. Ufology is a new religion today with more people believing in aliens than in God. Will this be the convenient excuse for missing people after the Rapture of the church? Crone exposes their hidden demonic agenda which should be a reminder as to their origins. We use the mobile app found at

Drowning in Deception

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Jan Markell and Eric Barger welcome author Terry James as they talk about his new book “Deceivers.” Jesus, Paul, Timothy, and more, warned of last days’ deception. There is a subtle Satanic seduction of society today and we are drowning in deception in the world and church. Find Terry James book here. We use the mobile app found at