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Jan Markell airs the provocative discussion about the World Economic Forum and the Re-Set given by Pastor Jack Hibbs and Charlie Kirk at the recent Futures Conference. Enjoy this engaging discussion and learn what the globalists are planning for our future. Will the church even be here to see this outrage? Their goals are very public, in fact, hiding in plain sight.
The Last Hour
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Jan Markell welcomes Dr. Ed Hindson this hour. Ed looks at seven significant events that are a herald of His coming today. We hope this hour is encouraging as we watch the signs of the times intensify since Israel’s re-birth in 1948. He is coming soon. We are honoring Ed Hindson this hour.
Don’t Dance With the Devil
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Pastor Mark Henry talks to Pastor Jason Carlson and Jill Martin Rische about popular occult movements invading the church. All of these practices are causing believers and non-believers to dance with the devil. Pandora’s box has been opened as people search for new experiences that are a part of the doctrine of demons. Learn more at and
Repentance and the Ten Commandments: It’s Not What You Think
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Our guests, Mark Henry, Tom Hughes, and Alex Newman, report on the bizarre conference recently that called for a new ten commandments and a new kind of repentance. It also promoted a new covenant. In attendance were self-proclaimed Christians including neo-evangelicals. This cult is demanding our worship and is recruiting pastors. What an illustration of end-time apostasy and delusion.
When Your Doctor is the World Health Organization
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Pastor Mark Henry sits in for Jan for a few weeks and speaks with Michele Bachmann. The goal in 2023 is to make the World Health Organization your personal doctor. You must submit or you cannot have a normal life. As a result, vaccine passports are back on the table. Michele speaks to the supposed “red wave” that never happened. How do we fight back when we lose our choices, voices, and freedoms?