The New World Order Cries for a Savior

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Jan Markell welcomes Gary Kah for the hour. They ask if Corona is the crisis the NWO crowd has waited for. Should we be concerned about Bill Gates and his mass vaccination program?  Global government may be on the horizon but cannot happen until the Church is taken in the Rapture. We use the mobile app at

Perilous Times Will Come: Fear Not

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Jan plays a recent “Happening Now” with Pastor Jack Hibbs and Don Stewart. They look at the covid crisis from a biblical perspective and offer great insight. This is regularly featured at Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, CA. We use the mobile app found at

A World Turned Upside Down (Part 2)

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Jan Markell airs part two of a two-part series with Michele Bachmann on our new upside-down world due to Corona. Will the state of the world beg for a messiah-like figure who can fix everything? The globalists never let a crisis go to waste. Tribulation events are casting a shadow on the Church Age. We use the mobile app found at

A World Turned Upside Down (Part 1)

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Jan Markell spends the hour with Michele Bachmann in part one of a two-part series. Biblical birth pangs are accelerating. Is Corona the crisis the globalists have waited for? Is the global “cure” far worse than the pandemic? Can America and the West recover from this? Economies are reeling. How long before it is too late? We use the mobile app found at