Living in Prophesied Times (Part 2)

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Jan Markell hosts Michele Bachmann in part two of a two-part series.  The prophesied times in the Bible are at an accelerated pace and the convergence of events is stunning. President Donald Trump stands in the way of the globalist agenda and thus progressives and some Republicans are trying to take him down. We use the mobile app found at

Drowning in Deep State Delusion (Part 1)

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Jan’s guest for the hour is Michele Bachmann in part 1 of a 2-part series. Just what is the “deep state” and how are they promoting end-time lawlessness? How does President Trump fulfill prophecy? A multi-billionaire cabal is pushing for global government and Michele explains who they are and why. We use the mobile app found at

Spirituality in All the Wrong Places

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Jan Markell and her guests, Jill Martin Rische and Carl Teichrib, discuss Paganicon, Burning Man, a “Christian witch” convention, occultism in Walmart, Tom Brady’s occultic wife, and much more. Amazon Prime has a new movie celebrating the Antichrist. How much more evidence do we need that Satan knows his time is short and he is pushing back with his darkness. Jan and Carl attended a Twin Cities’ pagan festival and report. We use the mobile app at

When the Pulpits Are Silent

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Jan Markell talks to Amir Tsarfati for the hour. When our pulpits are silent about important topics, the people remain clueless on vital issues. Jan and Amir talk eschatology, current events, and church issues. Find his book in our online store. We use the mobile app found at

Have We Passed the Rubicon?

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Jan Markell’s guest is Pastor Tom Hughes. They discuss more than a dozen reasons why we are in the predicted “perilous times” of II Timothy 3 and ask the question, “Have we passed the Rubicon”? Troubling issues today are a herald of His coming. We use the mobile app found at