Copeland already has a series of jets, so it is odd that he is raising funds for yet another. In the video above, fellow televangelist Jesse Duplantis also took the opportunity to brag that he is not a millionaire, but a “multi-millionaire”.
Godless America: Anticipating The Antichrist
Suddenly – In the Twinkling of An Eye!
Last days’ events happen quickly. Even suddenly. The word “quickly” (Greek word: tachos) is used eight times in Revelation. Think of an automobile tachometer which measures the working speed of an engine typically in revolutions per minute. And it revs up.
The Great Reset: Hiding in Plain Sight
Have you heard about the Great Reset? This Great Reset is not new – it’s just a fresh coat of lipstick on an old pig designed to finally sneak in an agenda. What agenda? Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and the Green New Deal – are all the same plan. In a sentence, it’s global socialism/Marxism. The plan includes:
Markell: Why Many Churches Today Can Never Understand the Times
Amillennialism — Tragically, almost all major denominations embrace this today. The Millennium is not literal, in spite of the fact that Revelation 20 says it is a thousand years multiple times. It’s not that they deny a Millennium; rather, they don’t believe it is literal. They believe that Jesus is sitting on the Throne of David in heaven, and that this present Church Age is the kingdom referred to, over which Christ reigns.