Lost in the Mail: God’s Invitation to “Revoice”

Oh, no, wait. Revoice is about “welcoming” homosexual sin and gender rebellion, not about theft.

Or is it?

God has offered his grace and salvation to anyone who understands what sin is, believes in Jesus, repents and allows the Holy Spirit to work His sanctification within the believer toward becoming a new creation in Christ.

But let’s be honest. Wouldn’t every human love to receive God’s grace without having to confess sin, or be open to change?

Pre-Trib Rapture Unfair? – Terry James

NOTE: Olive Tree Ministries is pre-Millennial and pre-Trib in theology. We agree with Terry James in his article.

The writer said he had studied the accumulating evidence and now must admit that he agreed with his new teachers. He believes that “the pre-trib rapture needs a new and updated research. At this point it seems to me that to hold to this doctrine would suggest that the people in the very country that are supporting and directly or indirectly are causing some of the greatest calamities upon the face of the earth are the people who have not as yet suffered tribulation for Christ’s sake, yet feel imminently prepared to be raptured.”

Best-Seller ‘Jesus Calling’ Is Built on Falsehood, Says Christian Author Randy Alcorn

The book is not full of heresies, he clarified. But he indicated that it is wrong for Young to portray her thoughts as if they were the real words of Jesus Christ.

While noting that he does not want to argue that “God doesn’t or can’t speak to you or others,” his big problem with Jesus Calling — which combined with its spinoffs have sold more than 25 million copies worldwide — is that Young presents text as if it were Jesus’ direct words for others.