Exponential Growth of Jesus’ Popularity – Mark 1:28-45

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Jesus has come to proclaim the coming of the kingdom near and far but he does not forget his need to stay connected with His Father.

The Authority of Jesus – Mark 1:21-27

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We are finally given glimpse into the authority of Jesus. The people marvel and the impact is far reaching.

The Inauguration of the Ministry of Jesus – Mark 1:14-20

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Jesus calls his first disciples. Join Pastor Josh as he discusses the early beginnings of the ministry of Jesus on earth.

The Temptation of Jesus – Mark 1:12-13

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The deity of Christ Jesus is revealed through his interaction with the evil one in the wilderness. Join Pastor Josh today as he teaches on the intricacies of the temptation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Introduction to The Savior of the World – Mark 1:1-11

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Who is Jesus and why is he so significant. Join Pastor Josh in a study of the very first verses of the Gospel of Mark.