The Pulpits Are Silent

What incredible times we live in — like no previous generation. The world is heading pell-mell for a conclusion though nobody knows the timing on this. But we are privileged to look at signs that are like clouds forming on the horizon. In the 1970s there were only a few events that were prophecy-related happening. There were minor shakings but sometimes connecting the dots was even a stretch!

Fast forward to today and there are so many prophecy-related events happening daily and hourly that it presents a major dilemma for those of us watching the signs of the times to know just where to focus. As I post stories daily on my website, I agonize that I must leave off so many as space and time won’t allow readers to zero in on all that is happening!

The Bible Answer Man Said What?

A few years ago Hank Hanegraaff, the Bible Answer Man, came out as a Preterist. That theological aberration says all prophecy is past: It all happened in 70 A.D. We missed it! It’s actually history, not prophecy. Who knew?

To believe that then I’ve been studying something that is ancient history and offers no hope for the future. There is no Rapture and no Millennium. Nothing. Our “blessed hope” went up in smoke. We can only pour through the history books to learn that prophecy was fulfilled almost 2,000 years ago. This stretches credulity since one-third of the Bible — all references to things to come — is written in a futuristic tone.

Why wouldn’t the Bible clearly state we should look back and not to the future?

Contentious Contending

“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” Ephesians 4:29 NKJV

I have watched as fellow Christians have torn into one another, slandered Christian brothers and sisters, tried to harm successful ministries, and behaved in such a manner that would result in the unbelieving world fleeing from them.

Added to this is a new contention online, particularly on social media. Disagreements over even minor issues often result in name-calling and denigrating one another. Whether the venue is YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter, the contentiousness is out of control.

MIMICKING CHRISTIANITY: How AI is Setting the Stage For Antichrist

We are witnessing the beginning of Silicon Valley institutionalizing its religious beliefs. As Wired reported recently, Anthony Levandowski, a top Silicon Valley engineer formerly working for Google’s self-driving car company Waymo and now at the center of the trade secrets lawsuit between Uber and Waymo, founded a religious organization called Way of the Future. Its goal? To “develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence.”