Just What Is a Remnant Believer?

You have heard of the word “remnant.” Some people are called “remnant believers.” There are “remnant churches.” Perhaps you know of some or attend one. I often say that I do “radio for the remnant.”

  The most frequent e-mail I get is from people who make up the “remnant”. But what is that? I write about this often and even do radio about it as I’m trying to understand the phenomenon. Here are a couple of e-mails.

The Great Reset Versus the Great Renewal

In my last few posts, I have examined the plans of the globalists to merge humans with machines. The true motive of these transhumanists is that of monitoring the behavior of people for the purpose of exerting absolute control over them.

However, there’s good news for those willing to believe. Jesus promises us life to the fullest via the great renewal He has planned for our planet. At His Second Coming, the Lord will restore creation to its original splendor.

Pre-Trib Rapture Arguments

It is a list of 45 reasons why I believe the Pre-Trib Rapture is right (save it so you can give it to Mid-Trib believers, Post-Trib believers, unsure believers, etc.).

1) There are no passages in either the Old Testament or the New Testament that say the Church will go through the Tribulation Period.

2) The Tribulation Period is called the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” [The time of unbelieving Israel’s Trouble], but it is never called the time of the Church’s Trouble (Jer. 30:7).