Wherefore, Contend With One Another Over These Words – Jack Kinsella

Despite all that, the doctrinal differences that exist between us on a single point, the timing of the Rapture, is enough to divide us into two camps. From what I can read, there will be no compromise.

Those who reject a pre-Trib Rapture argue that expecting a pre-Trib Rapture will make believers so blinded to the antichrist that when a European leader arises who confirms a peace covenant with Israel, declares himself Israel’s Messiah, and demands global worship in exchange for a Mark that, without which, they will be unable to buy or sell, that they will accept the Mark.

The Millennium and Pre-millennialism

First, there are people (called Amillennialists) that don’t believe in the Millennium (a thousand-year reign of Christ), but the Bible clearly says that there will be a thousand-year reign of Christ.

The Book of Revelation clearly says the Tribulation Period martyrs will live and reign with Christ a thousand years (Rev. 20:4-5).

One thousand years is a Millennium.

Amillennialists explain this away by saying the Book of Revelation is allegory.

Jan Markell: Religionist Deceivers Rampant (Part 5) – So Protestants Are Now Catholics?

In more recent years, I began hearing about mystical Christianity. I learned that many churches, and most of them evangelical churches, were promoting labyrinths, icons, chanting, candles, centering prayer, and contemplative prayer. The latter is a distant relative of Buddhism, so I wondered how much stranger things could get. Protestants began taking on Catholic traditions. They were heralding ancient Catholic mystics. I guess we didn’t need the Reformation.