No one imagined that the scenario would repeat itself in 2023. Not the exact scenario, but very similar. That was 50 years ago and a different generation. But I have some vague recollection of the Yom Kippur War and am haunted that the ghost of Golda Meier is still around. Here are some thoughts—and questions:
Jan’s Articles
Jan Markell: A Preview Of Things To Come — God Is Warning The Unbelieving World
All of us were heartbroken at the images coming out of Maui in early August. Everyone said it was like the end of the world. It was apocalyptic. The scenes remind us of images from WWII when dozens of cities looked like Lahaina, Maui.
The Blessed Hope: The Scoffers Are Gaining Too Much Territory And Too Many Followers
I am revisiting an article I wrote in 2018 which is even more pertinent today. I asked back then, haven’t we waited long enough for Christ’s return? Five years later, I am still weary of this groaning planet, of the sick antics of today’s Left, of watching disturbing events from around the world, and of scoffers who mock my beliefs as though I’m an outdated Neanderthal.
What Keeps The Majority Christians From Acknowledging The Obvious? Time Is Running Out
Is it biblical illiteracy, indifference, or busyness, that keeps the majority from acknowledging the obvious? Time is running out. Predicted events are exploding. Things are in decline. Even nature is screaming that Jesus is coming soon! All of creation must be set free, not just humans.
Markell: The Rainbow Belongs To God, Not A Sinful Sexual Culture
Believe me, I would much rather write about the Lord’s soon return than gay pride—or rather, gay depravity. God introduced the rainbow in Genesis 9. It was a part of a promise He made. A whole twisted movement hijacked it.