The scheme was likely in the works for years or decades, but officially was launched at “Event 201” in October of 2019. This was a conference organized by the Gates Foundation, comprised of billionaires, bankers, and global elites. They even gave out stuffed Covid toys!
Jan’s Articles
Markell: When the Remnant Grows Weary
How can we be in these mind-numbing times and not have every single Christian asking what it all means? Maybe because the church is now in Laodicea and today’s church—with some exceptions—is more interested in conforming than transforming.
Top Bible Prophecy Stories in 2021 – Harbingers Of His Return
News with apocalyptic implications is breaking on a daily basis, so summarizing such events in a compact manner, is difficult. But, let me try. This current year has been record-setting in so many ways. Some of those ways are tragic as the Lord tries to get the world’s attention. His patience is amazing, so He then sends another series of reminders.
Godless America: Anticipating The Antichrist
Suddenly – In the Twinkling of An Eye!
Last days’ events happen quickly. Even suddenly. The word “quickly” (Greek word: tachos) is used eight times in Revelation. Think of an automobile tachometer which measures the working speed of an engine typically in revolutions per minute. And it revs up.