Watching the Stage Being Set

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Jan Markell spends the hour with Pastor Jack Hibbs. They look at global indicators and Hibbs states that everything is counting down. He feels God is about to turn things upside down. They consider issues to watch for in the new year. We use the mobile app at

Jerusalem: God’s Time Clock

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Jan’s guests include White House correspondent Bill Koenig and Laurie Cardoza-Moore.  Bill Koenig states that Donald Trump’s primary role is to accelerate final day events. They review his remarkable first year. Koenig and Cardoza-Moore discuss the Jerusalem proclamation by President Trump and remind people that Jerusalem is God’s time clock for the last days. Learn more at and We use the mobile app found at

Why the Rapture Can Happen at Any Time

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Jan plays a conference message by Pastor J.D. Farag on the Rapture. Farag defends the pre-Trib Rapture position and sites reasons why he believes it is imminent or any moment. While God allows believers to experience the wrath of man, He spares us from the wrath to come. Complete sets of conference CDs and DVDs can be found here. We use the mobile app found at

A Warning to the World

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Jan Markell and Eric Barger feature British commentator Melanie Phillips who gives awarning to the world. Britain, and all of Europe, threw God out and made government and multiculturalism their gods. Londonistan is likely coming to your neighborhood. Phillips is Jewish and gives advice to President Trump on the “peace process” between Israel and her enemies. They consider France’s new President Macron and conclude he could be an apocalyptic player because of his plans for Europe. We use the mobile app found at

The Sabotage of Christianity from Within

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Jan Markell plays Dr. Mark Hitchcock’s message from “Understanding the Times 2017” titled “The Sabotage of Christianity from Within.” Some of our seminaries and churches are causing the rampant apostasy today that the Bible predicted. Is it too late to turn the tide? Find conference products here.  We use the mobile app found at