When Watchmen Warn

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In part one, Jan talks to the “I Am a Watchman Ministry” about reaching those left behind after the Rapture of the Church. We offer the Rapture Kit in our online store. Then Brigitte Gabriel reminds us of our predicted perilous times. Both segments are watchmen warning us. We use the mobile app found at OnePlace.com.

Coming Attraction: A One-World Religion

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Jan Markell talks to Pastor Tom Hughes about the forthcoming one-world religion. The stage is being set now. How might the Vatican play into this? Is Pope Francis an apocalyptic player with his uniting of religions and new love of humanism? Jan and Tom also discuss other current events. Find the “Discerners” book in our online store. We use the mobile app found at OnePlace.com.


Before the Wrath: Why There Must Be a Rapture

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Jan Markell spends the hour with Brent Miller, Jr. discussing his forthcoming film, “Before the Wrath.” Miller hopes this will rekindle interest in end-time issues in the church. Find the DVD in our online store though shipment won’t be until December. This forthcoming drama includes commentary from J.D. Farag, Jack Hibbs, Amir Tsarfati, and others. We use the mobile app found at OnePlace.com.

A Day of Deception: Exchanging the Truth for a Lie

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Jan Markell spends the hour with Michele Bachmann. Behind today’s chaos and confusion is the fact that Satan is cheering for his one-world system as the people of God push back. Enjoy some cutting-edge insights this hour. The world has exchanged the truth for a lie but we must be salt and light. We use the mobile app found at OnePlace.com.

Hope for the Battle-Weary

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Jan plays Pastor J.D. Farag’s conference message from two weeks ago: Hope for the Battle-Weary.  If you are struggling or know someone who is, please listen and be encouraged! There is hope. The difficult times are a sign of His soon coming. Find conference CDs and DVD in our online store, delivered in late October. We use the mobile app found at OnePlace.com.