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Jan Markell visits with Pastor J.D. Farag for the hour. JD suggests that Donald Trump, the ultimate deal maker, could get a deal brokered in the Mideast that could be “confirmed” at a later date. The book of Daniel says such an agreement will happen eventually. These are clearly the days of I Thessalonians 5:3 as we hear the mantra about ‘peace and security.’ Hear stunning sound bites of a prominent pastor mocking both Israel and eschatology. Listen to Pastor J.D. Farag on YouTube with his prophecy updates here. We use the mobile app found at
Will a Trumpet Sound on the Feast of Trumpets?
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Jan Markell talks to Pastor Ray Bentley and asks if a trumpet could sound on the Feast of Trumpets? Some expect the Rapture of the church on that day each year. The spring Feasts reflect Christ’s first coming and the Fall Feasts his second coming. She also talks to Carl Teichrib who attended a pagan convention in the Midwest. Paganism is so entrenched in parts of America that those areas are labeled “Paganistan.” Find out if that includes your neighborhood. How can the church fight back? We use the mobile app found at
The Convergence: How Late Are We?
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Jan Markell spends the hour with Brent Miller, Jr., producer of the new film “The Coming Convergence.” Luke 21:25 refers to seeing “all these things” converge as they have since Israel’s re-birth in 1948. While many of the predicted signs manifest in the Tribulation, they are in a stage-setting phase now. The two encourage listeners to look up for our redemption draws nigh. We carry the DVD and it is found here. We use the mobile app found at
The Great Deceiver
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Jan Markell, Eric Barger, and Jill Martin Rische talk the hour about the “great deceiver” who has a war against us. How do we disarm the powers of darkness which is the title of Eric Barger’s new book? Christians are dressed for the ballroom and not the battlefield. Just how powerful is this roaring lion–Satan? It seems like all hell is breaking loose in the world and the church and we need our armor on. This war is nuclear. Find Eric Barger’s book, “Disarming the Powers of Darkness: Fearless Conquerors in Spiritual Warfare”, at We use the mobile app found at