Peace, Peace, When There is No Peace

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Jan Markell, Eric Barger and White House correspondent Bill Koenig consider the aligning of the nations and final day activity breaking in the Trump Administration. Why could 2017 be so significant?  Having been in the presidential press core 16 years, Koenig shares how things have changed in Washington due to President Trump. Still, while some strive for peace, there is only the threat of war.  Hear an insider’s view from our nation’s capital. We use the mobile app found at

What Will Be the Sign of Your Coming?

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Jan Markell talks to Dr. Ron Rhodes for the hour basing the discussion on his new book, “Bible Prophecy Answer Book.” They include much discussion on six categories of the signs of the times. The world longs for a leader who can solves earth’s problems. Is he waiting in the wings? Who is “Mystery Babylon?” Where might America fit in Bible prophecy? We recommend the book found here.  We use the mobile app found at

Your Appointment With God

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Jan Markell spends the hour with Dr. Mark Hitchcock. In part they discuss the Judgment Seat of Christ which awaits all believers. Thoughts, motives, and actions will be judged. Since our sins were paid for at the cross, why a judgment of believers? What are the rewards given? When does this take place? Can we prepare for this? We are accountable to God and some day we have a scheduled appointment with God known as the Bema Seat. They also talk current events related to Bible prophecy. We use the mobile app found at

Days of Deception

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Jan Markell and her radio team look into end-time deception found even in healthcare and consider “New Age” medicine. They warn of some theologies behind certain practices that will be spiritually unhealthy.  Jan, Eric, and Jill consider the practices that could be fooling Christians because the source behind them is ungodly. Amazon lists 43,000 kinds of “New Age” medical practices, books, DVDs, etc., most involving some kind of demonic influence. While the terms “holistic health” and “alternative medicine” can sometimes bring relief from illnesses, these practices can also be dangerous—and deadly—if in the wrong hands. We use the mobile app found at

The Reprieve: Now What (Part 2)

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Jan Markell talks again to Michele Bachmann and Phil Haney in part 2 of a two-part series. All acknowledge that we got a reprieve from the sin agenda on November 8, so now what? This is part two of a two-part series. The three discuss national security, foreign policy, Israel, Obama’s “shadow government,” the “Republican establishment”, and much more. What can righteous Americans do to keep Washington from slipping back into gridlock? Is there any hope for healthcare? All acknowledge the world continues to spin out of control.  Find Haney’s book, “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad,” at We use the mobile app found at