We are to watch and pray for the Lord’s return. We will help you do so by keeping our eyes on the signs of the times and reporting them to you. Jesus chastised the Pharisees for not knowing the signs of the times in His day. So He wants to us know the signs today, for they instill in us hope for the future and encourage us to evangelize the lost while there is still time.

The End Game

By 2018, there are number of disturbing trends sweeping across the western world that seem to only be building momentum:

  1. Marked increase in homosexuality and transgenderism
  2. Abortion and euthanasia
  3. Growing intolerance of Biblical Christianity
  4. Growing rise in Christian ecumenism and apostasy
  5. Marked rejection of objective truth for subjective reasoning
  6. Marked increase of violence and anger
  7. Marked increase of apathy
  8. Marked increase of suicides

Armageddon: Who’s Who in the Lineup

This is a very important piece of real estate situated in Israel, also referred to as the Valley of Jehoshaphat, otherwise known as Armageddon. Perhaps you have heard of this place, even if you did not attend Sunday school or graduate with first-class honors. It is located in Jezreel, just to the east of Megiddo in northern Israel. The word Armageddon actually means “Mount of Megiddo.”

Armageddon is both a battle and a place. So, in the context of today’s article, I will be referring to this as the very last war described in the Bible, within its location bearing the same name.

The Titanic and the Rapture

We have a day approaching that will be very much like the sinking of the Titanic. It will be unexpected and not prepared for by millions of people. It will catch those of this world off guard and unaware. It will be like a punch in the gut that takes away your breath and knocks you down. Some think that their lives are unsinkable. They will be just as bad off as those on this ill-fated ship.

Pre-Trib Rapture Unfair? – Terry James

NOTE: Olive Tree Ministries is pre-Millennial and pre-Trib in theology. We agree with Terry James in his article.

The writer said he had studied the accumulating evidence and now must admit that he agreed with his new teachers. He believes that “the pre-trib rapture needs a new and updated research. At this point it seems to me that to hold to this doctrine would suggest that the people in the very country that are supporting and directly or indirectly are causing some of the greatest calamities upon the face of the earth are the people who have not as yet suffered tribulation for Christ’s sake, yet feel imminently prepared to be raptured.”

Why Teach the Rapture of the Church?

The above opening verses describe a reality that many of us will experience, I believe soon in this time of the end of this age. It describes the ‘Harpazo” or the forceful removal of the church from this earth in a instant, or the twinkling of an eye. Some people just cannot wrap their minds around such a concept. Many don’t believe what the Bible shows us to be truth.
Paul was the first to make this known to the world, as it had never been taught before Paul called it a “mystery” or something not revealed in the past. The prophet Isaiah approached the doctrine in chapter 26, when he described the coming of the Lord to those in his time period.