We are to watch and pray for the Lord’s return. We will help you do so by keeping our eyes on the signs of the times and reporting them to you. Jesus chastised the Pharisees for not knowing the signs of the times in His day. So He wants to us know the signs today, for they instill in us hope for the future and encourage us to evangelize the lost while there is still time.

Big Deal

Daymond Duck – Rapture Ready

The Bible clearly teaches that the Antichrist is coming and he will rule over a world government (Dan. 7:23, 9:24-27; Matt. 24:15; II Thess. 2:3-4; Rev. 13:7-8).

Two things are required for this to happen: One, there must be a decline in nationalism or patriotism, and Two, there must be a rise in globalism or world government.


by Pete Garcia

On the surface, there does not seem like there is a lot to be thankful for in the 2018 version of America. Wildfires, hurricanes, typhoons, mass shootings, lawless migrant caravans, a nation divided, political witch-hunts, mob violence, and leftist media frenzy have all become part of the new normal. Issues like gender and marriage, which should not be controversial simply due to common sense aspects, now are. Men want to be women, and women, men. Islam is somehow peaceful. Christianity is somehow hateful. Everything seems turned upside down and inside out. The newer generations are quick to be angry and offended about everything. They demand we upend 6,000 years of human history, to accommodate their “outrage.”

The Hiding Away of Believers

It’s coming to a tipping point here on planet Earth. Even people who are not normally tuned in to end-time events sense something is getting ready to happen. There is a lot of speculation as to what exactly it is, but most feel like the earth is becoming a more dark and dangerous place. Dark spiritually, too. Surely, the other shoe is getting ready to drop.

U.S. Instrumental in Stage-Setting – Terry James

One can sense the hand of God holding back, moving around, shifting and manipulating things on the national and international scenes–amidst the satanic rage that drives the world toward complete insanity. That is, one can sense it spiritually, if properly attuned to God’s Word, and where this generation stands in relationship to what that Word has to say about end-times things.