It’s true that the road to destruction is as broad as ever (Matthew 7:13-14). It’s true that many churchgoers are attracted to preachers who tickle their itching ears (2 Timothy 4:3-4). And it’s true that many pastors seem to have an unwritten 11th commandment, “Thou shalt not offend.”
August 2018
The Hiding Away of Believers
It’s coming to a tipping point here on planet Earth. Even people who are not normally tuned in to end-time events sense something is getting ready to happen. There is a lot of speculation as to what exactly it is, but most feel like the earth is becoming a more dark and dangerous place. Dark spiritually, too. Surely, the other shoe is getting ready to drop.
Andy Stanley and His “Deep and Wide” Tour: What Happened to the Narrow Way?
I wish to make clear that I am not judging the Salvation of Andy Stanley. I pray that he will understand that the slippery slope on which he finds himself is leading to all sorts of errant teaching. His words are NOT from the Word of God.
Concerns Raised After T.D. Jakes’ Wife Posts Photos of Yoga Session at The Potter’s House Church
Concerns were recently raised online after Serita Jakes, the wife of controversial megachurch minister T.D. Jakes, posted photographs of women engaging in a yoga session at The Potter’s House during a forum designed to teach women about leading healthy lives.
U.S. Instrumental in Stage-Setting – Terry James
One can sense the hand of God holding back, moving around, shifting and manipulating things on the national and international scenes–amidst the satanic rage that drives the world toward complete insanity. That is, one can sense it spiritually, if properly attuned to God’s Word, and where this generation stands in relationship to what that Word has to say about end-times things.