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I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.


I raised my son in a Christian home, but the devil has led him down the wrong road to believing he is homosexual since high school. Please pray the truth is shed, and he is helped back onto the straight and narrow path soon. Thank you!

Received: January 14, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 23 times.


My husband is in process of paying on his student loans (and has been for years). Money has always been tight, but we've been able to manage so far. We just received notice from his student loan lender that his monthly payment is being raised by several hundred dollars. We do not make the kind of income that will allow for this and I am worried sick over it. Please pray that somehow this situation will be corrected and his payments won't be raised. Thank you!

Received: January 14, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 24 times.

Laura O’Leary

Hello, my name is Laura. I’m 54 years old. I’m asking for prayer because I’ve had a lot of illness over the past few years. I’m permanently dependent on a power wheelchair from a spinal cord injury and I also have end-stage renal disease and have to go on dialysis soon. I’m in a lot of pain and I’m having a tough time so I would appreciate your prayers.

I also pray to get more Christian friends. It may be even get the strength back to go to church. I pray to get close to the Lord again I also pray that my family will be more involved in my life. Thank you.

Received: January 14, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 54 times.


My niece in Texas is in urgent need for a job. She has great skills. Thank you.

Received: January 14, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 48 times.


Please pray for the salvation for my son and his wife (Bryce and Tiffany)

Thank you

Received: January 14, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 28 times.


Thanks for all the prayer warriors lifting my household up. I’ve cried when I see it. No genuine change yet but I feel the presence of the body of Christ and ask the Lord to hear us all. I pray for the other requests too.

Here is my question as Job and David asked God where was Justice- why O Lord do you not move mightily in the hearts of Christian men around the world to love their wives? I read the Bible and you visited Adam in the garden and told him not to eat of the fruit. Then he relays it to Eve. He was there when she was tricked and did not tell Satan to leave. He then ate of the same fruit. And blamed God for making her. The woman admitted she was tricked. Then I read of the previous daughters given to evil men to be raped and tortured and murdered to keep the townsmen from breaking into certain men’s homes. And the one man who had two wives and the one fled home to her parents and stayed for 1-2 years until her husband came and got her and then allowed her to be taken by other men and abused and lay at the doorstep dying. Then he says get up let’s go. And then cuts her in pieces and sends her all over Israel to the 12 tribes to show anger. Why are women allowed this abuse? Why in Israel were the woman so brutally raped and tortured and kidnapped. The men were treated better w death. I know this in Africa and Asia and even America this happens. Where is the justice God- our Heavenly Father? Are we not your daughters, precious? Did Mary not carry you Jesus and raise you? It is the Antichrist and Satan who don’t value women but you do!! So please hear our cries and do not let these Christian men be allowed to ignore their wives or abuse them. Christian men ought to judge one another as God rightly gives us believers this task. We don’t judge the world but we judge believers. Hold men accountable for their lack of action and care for their co heirs and daughters. Don’t let the churches tell women that being mom’s and wives only means submission but that it is a gift of God to be treasured. As a farmer (like my husband) takes time to cultivate soil and learn what crops grow and how to weed the fields carefully to not destroy the crops, how to protect against pestilence and how to work in all weather conditions for the harvest, why do they not give this attention then to their own bone of their bone and flesh of their flesh to pray and cultivate their love with co heirs in life? Raise their daughters as strong towers? Raise their sons as strong men learned of the Word of God and submissive to God and as Jesus loved the Church loving their wives?

Please pray that God will move in His people. Pray for God’s bride Israel to be so avenged. Pray for Jesus bride to not be beat up before the blessed rapture. Even so come Lord Jesus!

Received: January 14, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 39 times.

Valerie ford

I am asking for prayers for my son.

First I would ask that he be called to God.

His wife left him and he had a hard time accepting. I do not want to go into details. His home has to be cleared.

I would also ask prayers for myself and my husband it is a difficult time. We are stressed with all the work we have to do.

Thank you

God Bless


Received: January 14, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 44 times.


Please pray for me to be healed from anxiety. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it!

Received: January 14, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 46 times.


A few days before Christmas my aunt was diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer that was already too far along for them to do anything. Her funeral is tomorrow. My family has been very devastated and shocked by her illness and death. Please pray for all of us.

Received: January 13, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 36 times.


My granddaughter Denise has declared she doesn’t believe the Bible is real. Please pray for salvation for Denise, Cindy Graham, Julie Graham, Steve Graham, Diane Sisler. Jim Sisler, Drew Sisler, Lindsey and her husband, Heaven, Megan, Corey B, Dana B, and their families.

Pray for Corey B, Dana B and the whole families hearts of stone be turned to hearts of flesh and they see how evil they are being towards my granddaughter H.

Let God intervene, and show the court and anyone that can help that they are attacking H and trying to take her daughter away for revenge.

Help Jesus!

Received: January 13, 2024

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