You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Please pray Jesus Christ will come soon to save us from these evil times. Pray that I will not hold any pride (in myself), bitterness, anger or even envy in my heart. I really do seek God daily and confess my sins and ask for a clean heart and pure motives. I strive to live a life to be pleasing to Him. I struggle with perfectionism and know it really isn’t possible or the end goal this side of Heaven. I am alone teaching my three children about God. My oldest has accepted Christ as her Savior and the two younger have said they have. I’ve talked at length with them about what it means to ask Jesus into their hearts as Lord and Savior and ask for forgiveness. Please pray all 3 of my young children will indeed listen to the Holy Spirit and be motivated to read their bibles and grow in truth and obedience. Pray I’ll be a mom that knows her limits and numbers my days to have a heart of wisdom, and will always look to God to complete His good works in me. I’m be patient with my children as they grow but firm and decisive to teach them truth.
My husband, he says he is saved and knows Jesus. He is not a gossiper and works really hard and doesn’t cheat. However, he isn’t tithing, he isn’t loving towards me often as Christ commands a man to love his wife. He demands a lot from me and refuses to help me with the simplest of tasks. He behaves as my boss and not my best friend. He is so burdened by his family’s farm that he spends 6 days a week there working 10-14 hour days. He is missing so much of our family time and growth of the kids. He is not a spiritual leader at all. He is super capable to fix anything but rarely finishes a project. We have so much falling apart in our house that he just refuses to finish or touch and won’t allow me to hire any help. The farm is not a blessing to us bc he is overworked and greatly underpaid. It is his idol. Pray that the Lord will free him from this idol and restore a genuine love for God and his wife and kids in him. Pray if it is the will of God, we will move to Israel (his family lineage).
A friend of mine asked why is it that the non christian men are so nice and kind and concerned about us but the godly ones are just rude or mean. I told her this has been my biggest struggle in marriage. My husband’s treatment of me and his kids. He can treat strangers or friends with kindness and love but us, he will go out of his way to be mean to. Pray that men of God will be awakened to be loving, forgiving and servant leaders the way God intends- submitting themselves to Him first. I don’t know why God is deaf to this prayer.
Thank you.
Received: May 14, 2024
Please pray for my son Brian who got diagnosed with colon/liver cancer and that he will have a closer walk with Mighty Jesus
Received: May 14, 2024
Good Morning, My prayer request is for Jeff Ralabate who is going in today for a Heart catherization and they are looking for a leaky heart valve, please pray that it is not any thing serious. THANK YOU
Received: May 14, 2024
Hello family,
Please pray for my 9 y.o. brother and father who live on the opposite side of the country from me.
I come from a broken family, so communication is not easy. My father is also Muslim.
Please pray that my brother will not fall into Islam and that the Lord will put a yearning on his heart for Jesus.
Please pray that my father will care more about truth and character than pleasing people, so that he may leave Islam.
Please pray that I can feed them both the Word / plant seeds.
Thank you, and I pray the Lord blessed you, in Jesus name
Received: May 14, 2024
This prayer has been answered!
Karole Fedrick
I don't know how to get this to "Answered Prayer," but my son-in-law signed a contract last week on a new job!! He had been without work since last August. Thank you, Lord, for providing this job for him and his family. Please let them all come to acknowledging it was by your grace and mercy, answered prayers, that they will be thankful, and Your blessings will lead them into a closer relationship with you.
Received: May 13, 2024
Thank you for praying for my children.
Please first pray that my 40 year old daughter - a sweet, beautiful & hard working woman would find a godly husband… that the Lord would please be gracious to answer this long standing prayer for her and place him
In her path.
Also please pray for my 25 year old son (a believer) that he would be faithful to stay pure with his girlfriend and if not, that the Lord would convict him mightily.
Thank you so much.
Received: May 13, 2024
This prayer has been answered!
ronni croft
you have prayed a couple weeks for my daughter Leah, graduating from Azusa Pacific U and needing a good used car. We found a 2010 Ford Fusion, 140K miles, and carfax showing the car regularly taken to local Ford dealership for maintenance over the last 100K miles! we had a mechanic look it over, needed just rear brakes which we had changed. She had now moved to Burbank and working the summer at Universal Studios park while applying for an animation internship.
she moved into an artist communal living situation; artists working on "breaking into the business"....
thank you for your prayers.
Received: May 13, 2024
Please continue to pray for my 13-year-old granddaughter, Olivia, who was admitted to a mental facility for anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and cutting. After her release, she was kicked out of one intensive outpatient therapy program, and kicked out of another one today. Her parents are at a loss about what to do next, confused, and afraid for Olivia and her younger sister. Please, please pray for more of Jesus, Father’s grace and mercy toward us, wisdom and discernment for her parents and me, deliverance, protection, and healing for sweet Olivia – His blood-bought child who has confessed Jesus as Savior and was baptized. Jesus said He would not lose one of us. The battle is His. Maranatha.
Received: May 13, 2024
Please pray that the Lord would continue to heal sores in my mouth and that have been there for some time and no financial means of seeing a dentist.
Please pray for the Lords financial blessings as I have a huge amount of debt and fear I will never be able to pay it off as they will be taking from my wages soon.
I would like to pursue other Godly means of financially providing for myself, so please ask for his guidance for me.
Thank you and God bless you!
Received: May 13, 2024
Frieda Addison
I need healing in my left knee. I have a tore ligament thank you.