You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
a Concerned Christian
Body of Christ Members, Please Pray to God in the Name of Jesus Christ to Please Grant to us More and More and More Godly spiritual, mental, emotional and physical energy, strength and endurance in Ways that Glorify God and Jesus Christ!!! Thank U To All of U Who AT LEAST Pray For This!!!
Received: September 30, 2024
a Concerned Christian
Body of Christ Members, Please Pray &, If Willing, Please Fast (Isaiah 58) For the spiritual health of & against the evil movements & the evil agendas of the following peoples---1) Catholics 2) evolutionists 3) "lgbtqpi+" 4) satanists 5) masons 6) abortionists 7) professing Saints 8) marxists 9) communists 10) warlocks 11) witches 12) "Jehovah's witnesses" 13) animists 14) muslims 15) hindus 16) mormons 17) Etc!!! Thank U to All of U Who at least Pray About This!!!
Received: September 30, 2024
May the Lord God cancell/destroy any string eind, hurricanes, monsoon, hailstorm, sleet, hail, rain, thunderstrom, violent rain, flood, tornados or any thing natural violence or unnatural coming this way and may thr sun stay out and weather warm even through the the day I Inleave the country and where I go, may God grace and beautiful weather go before me.
Received: September 30, 2024
Deborah Campbell
I asked for prayer once before for my prodigal daughter, Kat (Kathryn), age 23, but want to ask for more prayer. It was such a blessing each time I saw that someone had prayed for her! We adopted Kat as a baby, and she is our only child. I homeschooled her from kindergarten through grade 12 and heavily invested in her. We were continually in good Bible-teaching churches. But Kat went astray several years ago and did some really shocking things. We don't get to see her often so are unable to have any real impact on her, and we're very concerned about those who are influencing her. Please pray that God will release her from the deception and save her soul!
Received: September 30, 2024
Please pray for leg muscles to come back stronger.. had hip surgery! I am backing off pain killers!! and left leg flared up!! Hard to walk!! Thank you!!
Received: September 30, 2024
May you pray that the Lord keep my life private. May you also pray that the Lord give me a new beginning in my life
Received: September 30, 2024
Helen Branin
I am asking for prayers for salvation for my husband and children, for healing for my oldest son they don’t know what is wrong with him and every test he’s had done comes back negative! I’m praying for him for healing from the Great Physician! And also for saving our home. Many financial difficulties right now. And especially for Israel and Jerusalem! Salvation, safety and peace for them!!
Received: September 30, 2024
Please pray for revival in Iowa. There was not a single church open sunday night in the town where i live with a population of more than 4000
Received: September 30, 2024
Please pray for my daughter-in-law, who has just had a double mastectomy. She will be receiving the results of her adrenal gland biopsies tomorrow. The Lord be merciful and grant them to be benign.
My daughter is a cocaine addict. She’s on a very destructive path. Please Lord, rescue her from evil.