Jesus said on the Mount of Olives (Matt. 24) that deception would be the primary cultural sign of the last days. Even some of God’s “elect” might be deceived by false theologies. “Good would be called evil and evil good” (Isaiah 5:20). Men would substitute light for darkness and darkness for light. Apostasy would consume churches and denominations that were once solid.

Best-Seller ‘Jesus Calling’ Is Built on Falsehood, Says Christian Author Randy Alcorn

The book is not full of heresies, he clarified. But he indicated that it is wrong for Young to portray her thoughts as if they were the real words of Jesus Christ.

While noting that he does not want to argue that “God doesn’t or can’t speak to you or others,” his big problem with Jesus Calling — which combined with its spinoffs have sold more than 25 million copies worldwide — is that Young presents text as if it were Jesus’ direct words for others.

Drowning in Deception

Our May e-newsletter

As Terry James says, “Deception is the order of the day with the 21st-century world. The deceivers are among us. They, in fact, rule this fallen planet while the wind-up of human history runs its inevitable course. Never have there been prophetic topics more worthy of dissection and analysis than those encapsulated within this book’s title.”


Christ at the Checkpoint: Is the Virus Spreading?

By Olivier Melnick

The very first article of their manifesto says ” The Kingdom of God has come. Evangelicals must reclaim the prophetic role in bringing peace, justice and reconciliation in Palestine and Israel.” While I would agree on various aspects of the Manifesto, I also have some serious concerns about other parts. “The Kingdom of God has come” assumes that we all agree about a theology known as “Kingdom Now Theology.” Kingdom Now Theology claims, among other things, that Yeshua’s Kingdom was inaugurated at His First Coming, while Scripture states that He will reign as Messianic King on the throne of David from Jerusalem in the yet-to-come Millennial Messianic Kingdom …