The Top 10 Bible Prophecy Stories of 2019

There was a time when news of last days’ significance was sporadic. I could easily do a weekly radio program and hit the highlights of the week in an hour or two on air. In the last decade, that has all changed. Now, when trying to prepare a new message on the signs of the times, I find myself having to leave out information due to volume. Some things just have to be set aside.

The Pulpits Are Silent

What incredible times we live in — like no previous generation. The world is heading pell-mell for a conclusion though nobody knows the timing on this. But we are privileged to look at signs that are like clouds forming on the horizon. In the 1970s there were only a few events that were prophecy-related happening. There were minor shakings but sometimes connecting the dots was even a stretch!

Jan Markell: A Lamp Shining in a Dark Place

We are just off our 23rd conference we call “Understanding the Times.” I began these in the spring of 2002. I had no idea what to expect! I had introduced some interesting people on my weekly radio program that began in 2001, but back then it did not have the reach it does today. Would people turn out to hear about current events and end-time issues spoken of by men like Chuck Missler and Bill Koenig, who I featured in 2002? 

The short answer is yes!

Under a Spell

A few years ago I wrote an article about the loyalty the Jewish people show to the Democrat Party. I titled it “Under a Spell” because they truly are. I watched this spell among my own Jewish family members who all came from Minnesota’s Iron Range west of Duluth, MN.

At one time there was a substantial Jewish population in northern Minnesota as they escaped all the anti-Semitism in the bigger cities, particularly Minneapolis/St. Paul where Jews were persecuted and marginalized until more recent decades.