A crowd outside the White House said they would resist Trump’s announcement, while members of the media and far-left content creators posted snide remarks on X.
A crowd outside the White House said they would resist Trump’s announcement, while members of the media and far-left content creators posted snide remarks on X.
The Bible consists of–as my friend, the late Chuck Missler, used to inform—about 27 percent prophecy. Of that, approximately 14 percent is yet to be fulfilled. Yet only a very few pastors in the pulpits will touch on the prophetic portions.
Amir analysis — In a historic meeting, President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu revealed plans for Gaza and the Middle East. Trump is pushing for a dramatic reshaping of the region, including massive displacements and a rethinking of Gaza’s future. With tensions running high, what will the response be? Don’t miss the shocking details that could alter the Middle East!
In Understanding the Times, Jan shares short insights from her many years of watching the Bible’s predictions about a final generation fall into place. Her thoughts will help you understand Bible prophecy and the last days in clear and practical terms. As her opening chapter states, we have a front row seat to the last act!
We seem to have a growth of pre-Trib skeptics within Christianity today. That’s because the erroneous date-setters have skewed truth in the Bible that Jesus said no one knows the time except His Father. Now, some might say these skeptics are doing little or no harm. All believers, if the pre-Trib view is biblically correct, will be raptured.