My guess is that there’s not a person alive who has not experienced disappointments, hurts, and even betrayals by people we thought were our friends. Sometimes the hurt comes from a close friend or a family member that you never thought would intentionally hurt you.
November’s Election Will Determine Many Things… But Israel’s Existance Isn’t One of Them
Wow. Pointing the finger at Israel and having more sympathy for Hamas and the Palestinians is despicable, to say the least. These protesters are chanting “Death to Israel” and “Death to America.” How is it possible for anyone to praise that?
VIDEO: Walz’s China Romance
Troubling and dangerous ties with a communist tyranny. Daniel Greenfield discusses Walz’s China Romance, revealing Troubling and dangerous ties with a communist tyranny in this 4-minute video.
Open Season on Farmers & Ranchers– What’s Next? – Alex Newman
Farmers and ranchers around the world have a bullseye on their operations as Big Business and Big Government join forces to transform the food supply and centralize control, warns journalist Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State.
Pastors, Don’t Let Your Churches Remain Unaware Of What Lies Ahead – Jonathan Brentner
If I were to select one word that sums up most people today, it would be “unaware.” Despite the myriad of signs that tell us that the start of the Tribulation period is long overdue, few people are paying attention. Most believers pursue their aspirations with little or no understanding of the times in which they live.