CH. 1 (Part 3) – Jan Markell: Religionist Deceivers Rampant

New ways of doing church were going to stoke the fires inside the evangelical church. These new ways would go by various terms, such as “seeker-sensitive,” “purpose-driven,” “gospel-lite,” “church-growth movement,” and many more. None of these movements were very healthy, and they would weaken the Church—and strengthen the apostasy—even more. 

Jan Markell: Religionist Deceivers Rampant

Part two of Jan Markell’s Chapter “Religionist Deceivers Rampant,” an exclusive preview of Terry James’s book “Deceivers: Exposing Evil Seducers & Their Last Days Deception.”

The Mainline Mistake 

More than 100 years ago, mainline Protestants made a wrong turn—actually, a left turn if you will. For generations, the Methodists, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, and others had seen net annual membership gains. But in the early 1960s, their growth slowed down, and soon they began to lose members big time. That decline has continued to the present. 

Jan Markell: A Lamp Shining in a Dark Place

We are just off our 23rd conference we call “Understanding the Times.” I began these in the spring of 2002. I had no idea what to expect! I had introduced some interesting people on my weekly radio program that began in 2001, but back then it did not have the reach it does today. Would people turn out to hear about current events and end-time issues spoken of by men like Chuck Missler and Bill Koenig, who I featured in 2002? 

The short answer is yes!

A Lamp Shining in a Dark Place

By Jan Markell

We are just off our 23rd conference we call “Understanding the Times.” I began these in the spring of 2002. I had no idea what to expect! I had introduced some interesting people on my weekly radio program that began in 2001, but back then it did not have the reach it does today. Would people turn out to hear about current events and end-time issues spoken of by men like Chuck Missler and Bill Koenig, who I featured in 2002? 

The short answer is yes!