Has the Tribulation Begun? Avoiding Confusion and Redeeming the Times in These Last Days-Study Guide

With this study guide companion to Has the Tribulation Begun?, bestselling author and prophecy expert Amir Tsarfati guides you through a biblical overview of the last days. The thought-provoking questions within will help you…

  • separate Scripture’s teaching from popular misconceptions about the end times
  • identify if and how today’s current events correlate with Tribulation precursors
  • navigate your life today with an eternal outlook guiding your decisions

Price: $10.00

Product Details

by Author Amir Tsarfati-144 pages-Softbound

Studying what the Bible says about the last days blesses you with clarity and confidence for today. This insightful resource will help you untangle the mysteries of the end times while encouraging you with a peace that comes from living with an eternal perspective.

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