I prayed for this

Prayed for 56 times.


I am praying for a born-again Christian spouse. I was divorced in 1998 and have been alone ever since. The times are getting dark and I just don't want to be alone anymore (in a mortal sense, I know Jesus is with me all the time), but God did say it was not good for man to be alone. I am tired and very lonely. I let many years go by without even thinking about getting married or that I could actually pray for a spouse. I also need prayer for financial breakthroughs, a home and to relocate to another state. I have been trusting to find employment in a ministry (I have my heart set on working for VOE with Perry Stone in TN). It's a lot to ask but I know our God is the God of the impossible. Please stand with me.

Received: July 26, 2024

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