You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Michelle Secord
I’m having a really hard time. My husband died just about three years ago, unexpectedly, right next to me in our bed. He could not be revived. He died because he was a long time alcoholic, so I really lost him before that. It broke my heart. Both my grown children lived in the Phoenix area at that time, so I had to leave our home, Colorado, and go to Arizona to a “Senior Living, Independent Living facility. I was only 62 at the time, so I was the youngest one there, it was during the lockdown. Everyone thought I must be someone’s daughter or granddaughter when they would occasionally see me. The move happened only one month after my husband died. I left with one suitcase, leaving all memories behind. My kids returned to Colorado to close up mine and my husband’s home. I returned to Colorado in November of 2022(my daughter had returned.) I went from being around lots of people, and had made friends(though I was everyone‘a “child”) to my daughters one bedroom apartment. Im alone almost all the time and I don’t drive. My daughter “never wanted this responsibility.” Sometimes she gets angry and tears me to bits with her words. Today it happened again. I feel shattered by her words and bereft, absolutely crushed. She always says she’s sorry, but much pain has been inflicted. I am so very weary. Please pray for the Lord to step in, to help. I’m sorry for the long story, that’s not even the whole thing. Worn down, grieving, and battle weary…
Received: January 13, 2024
Please pray for my grandson Nick. He is 21 yrs and he is having anxiety attacks to the point he is in total fear and not able to function normally. He is a born again devoted Christian. It’s hurting the whole family to see him this way.
He is seeking Christian counseling. I pray this will end soon and thank you for your prayers.
Received: January 13, 2024
This prayer has been answered!
You may remove my prayer request on my dachshund and her ear infection. She is doing Soo much better ! I thank the Lord for your prayer wall.....
Received: January 13, 2024
Please pray for my marriage. I’m so lonely and my husband has checked out. We are now talking about getting a divorce. I want to work on it but I am unequally yoked and so the vows we made to God do not mean as much to my husband.
Received: January 13, 2024
Prodigal Daughters boyfriend wants to commit sucide. Living togeather. Do not know the whole situation. Please pray they would both give their lives to Jesus. And that Jesus would help both of them with mental health issues. I gave both of them devotionals for Christmas.
Thank you so much
Received: January 13, 2024
After a successful 20 year career, I lost my corporate job 6 years ago because we got acquired by another company. I've had some fill in work but nothing steady since. None of the interviews have been successful and now I don't even get call backs. Its like I've been blacklisted. Not sure what's going on. Not sure what to do. I'm over 50 and its not getting easier.
Received: January 13, 2024
Mary Elizabeth
Please pray for my neighbor Ronnie and her husband Sam. Ronnie has advanced Alzheimer's disease. She is at home with her husband, and he caring for her. She left the house in the middle of the night, and I heard her outside crying for help; she was lost. I brought her in and called the police; they were able to wake up Sam. Sam needs his strength and energy restored; he needs to be open to have help coming into their home. Ronnie needs peace, comfort and protection from potential injury and restored. They both need help to be maintained in their home.
Received: January 13, 2024
Heather L Heard
You wrap me heather in His fierce and protective love, pray His mighty wings drawn tight around me as the enemy rages against me. Pray His promises carry my fear far away and calm my heart. Pray Him to shield me shield and be my strength and carry me through pray i can .rest in the shade of His powerful protection. Please pray that no enemy or attacks get me and that I rest in his shadow. Help me to find peace in the nearness of Your mighty presence.
Received: January 13, 2024
Lisa Lee
My friend’s son, Jess Lallas, 31, is fighting a rare sarcoma that has metastasized throughout his entire body. Please pray that God removes the cancer through the aggressive chemo Jess is receiving, for pain relief and management, wisdom, knowledge and understanding for the doctors, nurses and all on his team. We are boldly asking for a miracle and that God show Himself to Jess and his family through this. Thank you
Received: January 13, 2024
Ginny Murray
I wish to see Christian pastors everywhere praying corporately for Israel -- for the covenants God has made with them, for the promises God has made through prophecies, and for the salvation of the Individual Jew before Tribulation begins... we know that Romans 9-10-11 speak of redrafting the Jews into the "tree," and what we are seeing with the SILENCE from the pulpits is reminiscent of pre-WW II Germany when the pastors and priests were silent -- THIS CANNOT BE! Lord, please, light a fire under these pastors to proclaim YOUR TRUTH and Your love for the Jews in spite of their sins (and OUR sins!). In Jesus; name, I pray!