You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Henry Fehr
Please pray for a brother in my church. He is a believer, he lost his brother to suicide about 10 years ago and he is now having terrible dreams about it that are stressing him out. Please pray that he stays strong and is comforted.
Received: February 23, 2024
Andy Therrien needs prayer has prostrate cancer, in pain, needs help with medications.
Received: February 23, 2024
satan is attacking, dividing, deceiving our PK daughters. 1 is an Air Force Major who “married” a woman last year…causing hurt & division in our whole family.
Daughter #2 husband moved out & is talking divorce…which means we will probably have no grandchildren
Our hearts are broken, just praying for Jesus to reach them & come rapture us
Received: February 23, 2024
My grandson is 18 and is on the autism spectrum.
His parents are divorced and Tommy has no respect for his father, but adores his mother in her defense.
He made a strange request to each of his parents for a book showing dinosaurs and humans pornigraghically. Of course they each said that was wrong and inappropriate. That caused him to viciously attack his father when visiting him last evening.
He is a grown adult and his father is an army vet.
Eventually Tommy's mother came and picked him up from his father's house.
Please pray for wisdom for his parents to get the help Tommy needs.
Also, Tommy is a believer, and desperately needs GOD'S grace and mercy.
Thank you in advance for your prayers.
Received: February 23, 2024
Please pray for my son Josh...that he will come to accept Jesus as his Lord and savior. Thank you!
Received: February 23, 2024
My son is 39 years old and has high functioning autism, he is a believer but due to social challenges he has never dated a woman. He would like to be married and have a child before the rapture. I pray he can be content no matter what. And that Jesus would be first in his heart. God’s will be done.
Received: February 23, 2024
My nephew in law has a terminal brain tumor from cancer. He is in his 40’s and has a 9 month old baby and a 9 year old daughter. His wife works to support them since he can no longer work. Finances are tight. He is getting chemo, radiation and a new experimental treatment. They are believers. May God’s will be done
Received: February 23, 2024
I have a health issue that is the result of a failed esophageal surgery in 2015. I also do not have a gall bladder. I have constant abdominal pain and digestive issues. My doctor told me it could lead to cancer if not properly managed. I am doing all I can but I am asking God to heal me. I know He could if He willed it!
Received: February 23, 2024
I know the rapture will be soon. I have many neighbors, family and loved ones who are unsaved. I pray for a spiritual awakening or a revival of the backslidden. I know God is sovereign but I feel a sadness thinking of being in heaven without all of my children and loved ones there. Thy can be saved in the tribulation but it will be martyrdom. They rejecting God not me.
Received: February 23, 2024
Please pray for my husband who has MS. He was diagnosed 30 years ago and almost died. God miraculously intervened and healed him when the Dr. called me to go to the hospital and tell him ‘goodbye’. His life has been a miracle every day! Praise Jesus
I write this to encourage others that God still actively heals and does miracles.
He had a small attack a couple months ago & needs to switch drugs - please pray for Gods clear direction.
Thank you faithful prayer warriors.