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I prayed for this

Prayed for 27 times.


I have a spine condition that causes immense pain and numbness throughout my joints, bones, and muscles, back, shoulders, and hips . I’ve been able to bear it for the last few years ok, but it seems to be getting more painful now. I don’t sleep well and I sort of dread waking up because I know I will be hurting no matter what I do. I am asking for prayers for healing or just a diminishing of the pain to take the edge off. Thank you.

Received: December 7, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.

Linda D

For those who prayed for rain on our farm thank you! We have received several small rains and a wonderful 9 inch snowfall. Prayers are being answered. Please continue to pray for us because of the drought has not been broken and we have been below average rainfall for 3 yrs now. God's blessings to all!!

Received: December 7, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.

Linda D

Please pray for my Pastor and his wife. He is waiting to be admitted to hospital because he has too much fluid on him from a leaky mitral valve. And causing breathing problems. Thanks in advance to all who pray!! His name is Richard and hers is Linda.

Received: December 7, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.

Mirjami Tchoukanov

I ask for prayer that the Lord would restore and heal little Evelin of 10-months. She has pneumonia and influenza, and yesterday she was in a critical state. Her brother died four years ago at age two. The family is devastated to see another child so close to death's door. We are thankful to see improvement today, but ask the Lord to fully heal her.

Received: December 7, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.


We are in financial difficulties! Please pray our house sells asap so we don’t lose it! Thank you much!! God bless you!

Received: December 7, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.


My heart is breaking. I’m trying to have faith that God will deliver my son from the demonic. God has given me a verse years ago that He will, but when I see that he is now into the demonic my faith is struggling. Please pray for my son , Marshall. All we have is Jesus to deliver him.

Received: December 7, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 20 times.

Darlene Frances Beltz

Oh Lord, I cry.

How much more can you take?

They are killing our babies, doing unspeakable things to our children. Our Jewish brothers and sisters are being terrorized and killed. So much evil, so much wickedness, and deceitfulness in this world. It is truly sick! Man has become so evil, I am disgusted by it. My heart hurts, my soul aches, my stomach is twisted in knots from these atrocities. These things are known to us, but I hate to think what is being done that we do not know. But you know Lord - how much more can you take before you come for your bride?

I pray Lord, please protect them. Please shelter them from the wickedness.

Lord, I do not belong in this world - I desire nothing from this world. I am struggling with sin every day. Sometimes I sin without realizing it. Please help me resist temptation.

I want to be with You Lord, I want to be in your heavenly kingdom. Come get us Lord. I am grieving, I want to go home. Every day, something worse happens.

Your word told us these things would happen. I know your word is true. Lord, thank you for dying for our sins. In the meantime, I ask that you heal my heart, untwist the ties in my stomach, give me discernment and guide me so that I may occupy according to your desires until You come. I ask for patience, as you have been patient with me to trust in you fully and become closer to you. But there are many, even in my family, that know of You, but have not obeyed You. I pray that their eyes be opened so that they may come to you for salvation and know the truth. May they repent.

Come quickly Lord

In Jesus' name, Amen

Received: December 7, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.

Mark Scheiderer

For 8 months the apartment managers where I live did NOTHING to rid the complex of a drug dealer/user who snuck in and hid in his parent's apartment. This is a 202 unit complex that is primarily seniors and mentally handicapped. I live in an apartment that is open to the general public. Myself and a sheriff's deputy that lives here finally figured out how to get rid of the man and now he is gone. PRAISE GOD! During the time the drug problem was here ( Sept., '22 until April, '23 ) the man living next to me committed suicide, in Oct., '22, but his body was not discovered for 2 weeks! When management finally rented the apt. out in May the management got fooled AGAIN! The man who now lives next to me is still married, but his wife has her own apt. here. They are defrauding the Section 8 system. He wears clothing with skulls on it, has skull solar lights on his porch, has eyes that are totally demonic, never speaks to anyone but 3 other family members that live here ( never replying to anything I say ) and wears sunglasses ALL the time, indoors and out, no matter the weather.

WORST OF ALL is that he has a young 7 year old niece, Bella, who visits. I can't elaborate succinctly, but I suspect there may be abuse of some kind. Please pray! Management MUST be removed and replaced with people who actually care about people, Bella must be protected, and, if there are crimes being committed, JUSTICE must be done. Please pray for God to bring everything to light. I lost my Dad in Feb., '22, and moved here 2 weeks earlier. My Dad left a very nice inheritance, but, other than that, this has been the most trying 2 years of my life. My younger brother committed ethics violations as executor of my Dad's estate and put us though much unneeded stress, that piled on to the normal grieving process. I have been exposing the End Time Handmaidens and Servants CULT for the past 31 years ( see page 1 of a Google search ) and would appreciate prayers for my spiritual protection and for God to bring an end to the cult and it's leaders. Thanks to all who pray for me!

Received: December 7, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.

Carrie Letourneau

Please could we start praying about the planes that are letting out the chemicals on us everyday, I work in Maple Grove mn, and I see them start in the morning and go all day into the evening, why is nobody speaking about this. I'm literally in so much fear everyday because of what these people are doing. We need to start raising our voices. I have young grandchildren what's going to happen to them , Jesus listens to our prayers and protects us , we have to pray.

Received: December 7, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 42 times.


Please pray for my daughter, she is going through such anxiety at the moment and even doubting her salvation and Gods love for her. I believe it is an attack from the evil one . She has blessed so many through her life and I hate to see her in this state .

Thankyou for praying with me

Received: December 6, 2023

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