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I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


Hi and God bless,

Thank you for this ministry and all that your team are doing for the Lord.

Numbers 6:24-26

24 “‘“The Lord bless you

and keep you;

25 the Lord make his face shine on you

and be gracious to you;

26 the Lord turn his face toward you

and give you peace.”

Asking if you can lift both my sons up in prayer. They need of healing (diabetes, asthma, mental health). Areas in theirs lives have been impacted because of these ailments.

In faith I believe they will be healed and set free. I also pray that we will have victory in every area of our lives that the enemy is attacking us, and praying God's divine intervention and hedge of protection as well. In Jesus Christ name, I pray, Amen and Amen.

God bless

Received: December 8, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


I appreciate everyone’s prayers on my previous request, but we have been evicted from our apartment. We have until next Wednesday to move unless we come up with one month’s rent which will give us 30 more days. Plus, our beloved cat is very ill, possibly terminally. Please pray he will recover. I know we are not to be discouraged but I am feeling very overwhelmed. I feel very alone. Please pray that God would cause everything to work together for good. Thank you.

Received: December 8, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.

Susan Hansen

A friend's elderly mother had a massive heart attack. Please pray for salvation and to survive heart attack. Especially pray she wont die if unsaved. God bless you for praying

Received: December 8, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 50 times.


Hello, all. I would like to ask those reading this to please pray for mine and my family's protection. My husband and I live right on the border and my immediate family lives one state over, also close to the border. For my husband and I, our house is situated at a major port of entry, where we witness literally dozens of migrant busts, high-speed chases, and a helicopter inspecting our neighborhood several times a week looking for runaways. We hear sirens all the time; we see more crime and automobile accidents with stolen vehicles; we witness dozens of people we don't recognize stare at us when we're in public or ask for money in an entitled manner and laugh about it like it's a game. It feels like they are mocking us. For my family, they don't witness the invasion of our country so up-close, but they see the aftermath with drugged and dangerous people wandering the streets in their city, with a major uptick in homelessness and crime.

As many of you know, our border is basically wide-open with people on the terror watch list and others about whom we know very little entering our country. Several of us, my husband and I included, are Christians; however, a few of us, myself also included, are of Jewish ancestry (not religiously, but genetically). In short, we're walking targets where we live, which is especially reinforced by the way we are stared at in public (like fresh meat). I haven’t been sleeping at night because I’m nervous someone will end up in our backyard or try to break in, which has been happening in increasing numbers in both of our cities. I'm having more nightmares that someone is coming to kill my husband and me and, generally, I feel uneasy going out in public.

My family is also deeply unsettled by the increase in crime as well, so much so that I heard my mom express she didn't mind the persecution from being Christian; rather, she dreads being attacked by someone dangerous the way the Israeli people were attacked on October 7th because she doesn't want it to hurt. I watched her battle cancer for two years in a lot of pain, so hearing her say that broke my heart. For me, who experienced sexual assault when I was a teenager, my stomach is in knots because of what happened to the Israelis (the Israeli women in particular), so my past trauma is resurfacing. Thinking of my family, husband, or me being attacked the way those people were grips me with pain, and it feels like more of a reality each day with another migrant bust, siren, or whir of helicopter blades.

I understand Christian and Jewish people will be persecuted in increasing numbers leading up to the end, but given where we live, it feels very ominous and sinister. I just want my family, husband, and I to be safe, and we're always praying for the Lord's protection. We also try very hard to trust in the Lord so we aren't fearful and we keep our eyes cast upward, hoping to see the Lord return for His bride. Prayers for our safety would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Received: December 8, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 38 times.

Renee Short

Lord JESUS I need a long term solution if the electricity grid fails. Father God please direct me to an honest electrician that u can afford

I pray for salvation of my Nephew Tristan and whole family.

My tooth broke help LORD I don't want false teeth.

Please help with transportation.

Protect my kitty and the neighbours dogs whom I love Jacob and Puppy and Berry and Versace. They bring me joy thanks MY JESUS. HELP SPCA. especially with fireworks on new years my neighbours please Lord you know their needs.

Protect me when I go out to share Gospel.. Please replace our government in 2024....IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMEN

Received: December 8, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 39 times.

Janet Gernand

Please pray for my sweet 28 year old son, Samuel. He, along with many other former homeschooled students from my church, walked away from the Lord after the leader of a ministry that they joined upon graduating, was discovered to have had numerous affairs with young female interns over the years. This man was in his late forties, married with two children. He led a ministry that taught students how to share the gospel overseas to unreached people groups. This wolf in sheep’s clothing, who, unbeknownst to parents, was very liberal minded. We did not know this since the ministry was several states away. Sadly, this revelation rocked the foundation of these once conservative young people, who were raised in the love and admonition the Lord.

My heart cannot bear the thought of my son being left behind to face the tribulation should the rapture take place while he’s still in rebellion….not to mention spending eternity in hell. I feel so much guilt and pain for allowing my son to join this ministry even though I had no way of knowing the leader was literally a pawn in Satan’s hands. This man was a professor at a secular college and he loved Obama and hated Trump. He also had the young interns teach illegals how to drive. All of these things raised huge red flags for me but the leader had these kids under his spell. I truly believe this man was/is a Marxist in disguise and that it was his goal to prey on conservative homeschooled students in order to lead them away from Christ.

I’m so sorry for rambling but my heart is so heavy over this. Thank you so much for praying for my precious son, dear brothers and sisters. God bless you all.

Received: December 8, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 39 times.

Deborah Ward

Prayer Alert for Shelley Spears...... my 67 yr old half sister living in a tiny NC town. I was just informed by another sister in FL that she has been rushed into surgery after a neighbors 2 pit bulls severely attacked her from face to stomach. Broke arm and wrist. She's a believer who is newly engaged. Just pray however led! .....Two years ago she underwent brain surgery for two aneurysms... I talked yesterday to her and she was saying that due to the cold her lupus was causing aches all over... it sounds so DIRE, and it is....BUT GOD is on the throne and it didn't take him by surprise. Prayer and Praise, Prayer and Praise!!! Thx u!! ️️️

Received: December 7, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 30 times.


I would like to have prayers for the health of my family especially my wife, Donna, and others as her mother, Ruby, who is 102, her sisters who are 77 and all my siblings between the ages of 70 to 85, all 10 of us. My wife and I have severe health issues.

Thank you and I truly appreciate all of your messages on prophecies. and how they are proven Bible prophecies coming true.

Received: December 7, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 31 times.


Please pray for me as I have the flu. My husband Oliver has covid so please pray for him as well.

Received: December 7, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 30 times.


Healing from inflammatory bowel disease so that I’m not in pain anymore and can eat normally again

Received: December 7, 2023

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