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I prayed for this

Prayed for 35 times.


I’m asking for prayer for healing from sickness and that my job will not be in jeopardy as I heal! I finally got this wonderful job after much prayer and started a month ago. Came out of retirement due to financial need. Now going on the second week sick and needing healing - I can’t be around coworkers or customers in this condition. It’s affecting finances as well. Also blessings and continued health for my mother who is turning 89 this week. Looks like I’ll have to miss a trip to celebrate with her. I’m starting to feel discouraged and disappointed and feeling lousy. I appreciate your prayers and will be praying for the others on this prayer wall. God is good.

Received: December 11, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 43 times.



I’ve covered many on this prayer list for weeks now. Newer to this part, but not to the rest of OTV.

I am suffering from a big sinus (maybe respiratory) cold. I have had a past history of sinusitis and needed surgeries to clear it all out. The cold I have now has pressure in my sinuses and my left ear is complete swelled shut and aching terribly.

I have three younger children and a husband and several pets. I’m still having to care for all of them. My oldest had diarrhea a week ago then my youngest threw up at night and I had to care for her. Then this week my oldest had throwing up during the night. I had to get up and do her laundry and get her better. Then my son and I became sick together and I had to care for his sore throat and mine. Praise God we got some relief from that part but now I’m awake bc of ear and headache pain. Been taking lots of OTC meds and praying for healing.

Supposed to travel to another state for Christmas to see my family (only see them 1 x a year). My husband rarely helps me or prays or even takes sympathy on me. Please ask God for healing but if his will is for us not to travel, that I’d be obedient (if any terrorism planned etc).

Also was told many of my roos may have to be slaughtered bc a neighbor is upset. They don’t crow much (neighbors are pretty deaf- but they are not believers). My husband did not stand up for me and tell them why we have them bc of the WEF push for banning meat or producing tainted MRNA meats.

I’m very alone here. I witness to saved and unsaved constantly about the Rapture, GT, and other end times things.I share about Jesus as the only way to heaven and the days getting more and more evil but our hope is in Him who will save us if we confess with our mouth and believe in our heart that Jesus is Lord. No safe churches here to attend and my husband won’t leave the false one he is at.

I’m raising our 3 kids in homeschooling w Abeka. Hard bc I get zero help from my husband or any relatives. I’m always the mom and the maid and the cook and pet caretaker. I’ve prayed and fasted and sought God’s help to change my husband’s heart (professes to believe in Jesus) to see my value and my human fragility. I’m strong but not perfect. He won’t support me but I must support him as a farmer and do as he asks. I need some mighty help from God above! I want to overcome obstacles through prayer and obedience till Jesus comes, I’m very tired!

Also pray that the coming violence and judgement in America (I often ask God to forgive me, this family and nation and repent) that God will have mercy on our family for seeking him through it all. I pray if we are to go to the grave prior to Jesus’s rapture that we will do so at the hand of God and not these evil men. If we are to abide that we will do so without rape or torture. I’ve stood for Israel’s right to the land and for the Bible as the only truth. Much persecution for that and for walking away from NAR, HWP, WOF and reformed theology to mention a few. Never followed it personally but saw the church we attended last did. Lost many friends for sharing what the Bible says. I’d like to have my husband and I on the same page w our marriage and God’s word. Love to see all I’ve shared with saved or awakened from sleeping. Thank you.

Received: December 11, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 36 times.


I pray that my husband would have the conviction and calling of the Holy Spirit to salvation and the faith to believe and declare Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

Received: December 11, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 27 times.


For discernment as I begin looking to the next season of my life with work and taking care of my parents as they age; that the Lord speak to their hearts so that they are open to moving closer to me.

Received: December 10, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 36 times.

Susan Fulton

I need prayer that I would seek God with all my heart, mind and soul. That God would be first in my life as I am struggling with anxiety and depression and I need to depend on God and not myself. Please also pray for healing and deliverance in the name of Jesus.

Thank you

Received: December 10, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.


My kitties:

Little Booky isnt eating much lately. It may be his teeth. I cant get dental for him until I get heart checked and blood work. It may not be till February to get teeth cleaned. I pray that Father God miraculously cleans his teeth and doctors will be astonished with how perfect they are and all appts can be cancelled. I also pray he shows me he is eating more.

Received: December 10, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 25 times.


Israeli hostages are So in need of our prayers: wives Released- husbands still captive:

Tamar 78 - Yoram held

Liat, husband Aviv held

Raz - Ohad held

Ariel (this husband still held), wife released

David held, family released

Oded, 85. Wife released

Amiram, 85, wife released

Luis - wife Clara released

Dror- wife killed, 2 teens released

Plz include Gali,13, taken from safe room, where her 16 yo brother died.

Elia,20, still held while Mia was released

Please ask our Father to touch all in mighty ways leading to healing and receiving Messiah.

Received: December 10, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 27 times.


I am going to my primary care doctor Monday. He is new. Please pray for Favor and wisdom on his part.

I had an appointment with my GYN.

I had favor then he was off and will be off until the 15th for Hanukkah .I had to call him for a prescription on Hanukkah and he is Orthodox.

Received: December 10, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 32 times.


Dear all, I need prayers for my financial situation. I need a full time job so I can get my own place to live in. I have been applying to many jobs for a year now. I currently have an on call position and had other temp jobs but that’s not enough for the cost of living in San Diego. Yet I have seen God’s provision and faithfulness throughout this time, and I have had food , and a roof over my head as friends have housed me temporarily. Despite these struggles I have gotten so much closer to him. I have been spending quality time in prayer, reading the Bible, and listening to preachings that encourage me to keep on trusting in him. I look back at all the blessings throughout my life and know he is taking care of me and he will open doors. I am learning to suffer well, reflect his character in these hard times, and keep on hoping in God. Thank you and God bless you all.

Received: December 9, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 30 times.

Grace Hughes

Please pray for my daughter, Michelle, who has Autism, intellectual disabilities as well as seizures and behavior issues. Please pray for her healing and for the Lord to bless me and her dad with good health, wisdom, strength and courage to continue taking care of her. Thank you and God bless!

Received: December 9, 2023

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