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I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.


Hello, all. I would like to ask those reading this to please pray for three individuals who are divorced from people mine and my husband's families. None of these individuals know the Lord and they divorced their spouses because they are too broken to carry on a successful marriage. This is very sad for us to watch.

One person--unfaithful, manipulative, and narcissistic--divorced my aunt (who has cancer) after years of tension, devastating her and turning all three of their children against her. The other, also narcissistic, divorced my sister-in-law and is very spiteful toward her and their two young girls, and is also unhelpful in supporting them. The third, unfaithful and narcissistic, divorced my father-in-law years ago and has since remarried, but has brought old resentment back to the surface by attempting to deny my father-in-law custody of their 14-year-old daughter, who is caught in the crosshairs. They are proceeding with this matter in court. These divorces have created a lot of tension, fostered division in their own spheres, and have broken the hearts of those who can only watch and pray.

The likelihood of these individuals being re-added to the family is practically nonexistent, but I wish to ask those reading this to pray their hearts might be opened to receive Christ as Savior and recognize the error of their ways. These people either cannot, or refuse, to see the level of destruction they heaped upon their ex-spouses and the family members who witness their lives, and the lives of their children, become radically changed for the worse. It doesn't matter to me if they re-enter the family or not; I just pray their hearts would be opened so they can leave their brokenness behind and move on to more fruitful lives, serving and honoring the Lord.

Thank you.

Received: December 14, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


Please pray for Ron. He is going in for testing today to find out if he needs open heart surgery. His carotid arteries are 75 - 90 percent blocked as well, and the doctors are trying to determine how to best help him. Please pray that Ron & Patti will feel God’s peace, wisdom & strength as they walk through this difficult time. Thank you for praying!

Received: December 14, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.


Please pray that God will take my anxiety and depression or at least help me cope with it. I have been struggling lately and am desperate to make it stop. It's affecting me and causing me to not be able to function normally. Pray God will take over my mind and block any negative thoughts and feelings from taking over.

Received: December 13, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 51 times.


Lord please touch each of my unsaved family members. I try to tell them about You, but they either ignore me or laugh at the scripture. There are many problems in my family. I pray they will turn to the God who was is and forever more.

Received: December 13, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 53 times.


Our family needs prayer. We are having spiritual battles on every front. Our children had walked away from church. I don’t know if they read their Bible, pray, or where they stand. I know two have started going to church. The division is happening amongst the three older children. Like an oozing wound. Sadly it is spreading amongst the family. The enemy is a liar. The things that come out of their mouths directed at each other and towards me do not sound like my children. It is breaking my heart. My mom and I are praying.

Received: December 13, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 46 times.


I did have favor at the doctor's appointment. Thank you for praying. But the problem is I have a bunch of doctors I have to go. I want an end to this nonsense and and I want to do something other than doctors.

Received: December 13, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 48 times.


I had to quit my job @63 to help my family to look after my 2 year old granddaughter- it was an emergency

Please pray that Jesus helps all my financial needs with part time work and paying my bills

I’m really scared as I have nothing but my little granddaughter comes first

Received: December 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 79 times.

Mark Scheiderer

For 8 months the apartment managers where I live did NOTHING to rid the complex of a drug dealer/user who snuck in and hid in his parent's apartment. This is a 202 unit complex that is primarily seniors and mentally handicapped. I live in an apartment that is open to the general public. Myself and a sheriff's deputy that lives here finally figured out how to get rid of the man and now he is gone. PRAISE GOD! During the time the drug problem was here ( Sept., '22 until April, '23 ) the man living next to me committed suicide, in Oct., '22, but his body was not discovered for 2 weeks! When management finally rented the apt. out in May the management got fooled AGAIN! The man who now lives next to me is still married, but his wife has her own apt. here. They are defrauding the Section 8 system. He wears clothing with skulls on it, has skull solar lights on his porch, has eyes that are totally demonic, never speaks to anyone but 3 other family members that live here ( never replying to anything I say ) and wears sunglasses ALL the time, indoors and out, no matter the weather.

WORST OF ALL is that he has a young 7 year old niece, Bella, who visits. I can't elaborate succinctly, but I suspect there may be abuse of some kind. Please pray! Management MUST be removed and replaced with people who actually care about people, Bella must be protected, and, if there are crimes being committed, JUSTICE must be done. Please pray for God to bring everything to light. I lost my Dad in Feb., '22, and moved here 2 weeks earlier. My Dad left a very nice inheritance, but, other than that, this has been the most trying 2 years of my life. My younger brother committed ethics violations as executor of my Dad's estate and put us though much unneeded stress, that piled on to the normal grieving process. I have been exposing the End Time Handmaidens and Servants CULT for the past 31 years ( see page 1 of a Google search ) and would appreciate prayers for my spiritual protection and for God to bring an end to the cult and it's leaders. Thanks to all who pray for me!

Received: December 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 40 times.


Pray that I will have boldness to witness to my brother, Jim, and also to the other people that come across my path. It is hard because I have witnessed to him before and he has basically been very turned off by it and thinks it is all a fairy tale. With two doctorate degrees he feels that he is much smarter than me and knows all the answers. Specifically, pray that I would be filled with the love of the Spirit and that God would give me in the right words to say. Also, I would like to send him an email with links to some good prophecy teachers. Pray that he actually will check them out.

Thank you!

Received: December 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 38 times.


Please pray that my brother Jim, his wife Abby, his adult daughter Michelle, and his adult son Jack would no longer be deceived by this world and the enemy of our souls. Pray that they would earnestly seek the truth, find it, and then receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior before it is too late. While Jim is agnostic, his family is Jewish, mostly secular with a liberal world view and a liberal view of their Bible. They believe in evolution rather than the creation account, explain away Old Testament miracles (like the crossing at the Red Sea), hold to liberal views about marriage, and practically worship science and the creation. I know that nothing is impossible with our Lord God, so I am asking that as many people as feel led to please pray for Jim, Abby, Michelle, and Jack. Thank you!

Received: December 12, 2023

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