You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 26 times.


I rang my lawyer after 10 years, he remembered me, I asked how his family was, he said it had been a tough year, out of the blue his wife who was super healthy and very clean life style, mother to there two children 11 and 16 had been diagnosed with Lymphoma, she has been having chemo, still more to come. He said they are all pull together as a family, a Spanish family. I could hear him trying to be positive. He didn’t know I follow Jesus Christ, but I just said, can I pray for her, and ask others to? His voice changed and a breath of hope came in his tone, as he said “oh yes please thank you”

So here I am brothers and sister hoping you are moved to pray for Jonathan’s wife Sandra and to lift up his family as they support her through this difficult time, may our merciful Lord if it be His will bring her through to full healing from this attack on her health. May also would the family see Jesus Christ through this.

In Jesus Christ Mighty name, I put forward may prayer, knowing each pray to Our Heavenly Father come up to Him as a sweet scent.


Received: December 27, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 28 times.


Please pray for my sister in law, she told my brother she wants a divorce. Please pray for her salvation (for her husband & sons as well) that her heart would soften, her ears to be able to hear & discern the truth. Pray against any demonic influence involved. They have a beautiful family with three grown boys, please pray God will open her eyes to how much destruction this divorce will cause her & our entire family. She is lost & hurting. We love them all so very much. Thank you for praying. God bless you all!

Received: December 27, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 23 times.


Asking for prayer because my church is shunning me. Do not know what is wrong and no one will tell me. I need fellowship and do not know if I should leave this place. Do not know where to go.

Received: December 27, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 24 times.


My husband and I left our church in early December as our pastor refused to pray for, or even acknowledge Israel (even after being asked) after the attack on Israel October 7th and the horrific atrocities since then. To us this is no different than being a Holocaust denier and we cannot sit under his teaching. He neither preaches on last day prophecy and after combing through the “What We Believe” on the church website, there is no mention of the Rapture of the church either. We are so sad in having to find a new church home, and for the most part disengage with most of the church groups we had belonged to and the friendships we had made there.

Our prayer is that more of the congregation would wake up to what is NOT being said and that they would each become Bereans and search the Scriptures for themselves to know God’s Biblical truths. Also, we pray the Lord would lead us to a local congregation who believes and preaches God’s whole counsel, even if it is a small home group. Thank you. God bless you. Maranatha!

Received: December 27, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.

Pastor Carl Stuart. Retired

Beloved in Christ,

Greetings is His Great Name Yeshua!! Thanks for requesting prayer concerns. Please pray earnestly for God's Spirit to come upon Coleman Dee Brewer redeeming his life from the hand of the enemy, filling him with His Spirit and using him as an instrument of Righteousness, Peace and Joy - Father's Kingdom rule! Coleman is, I believe to be a very singular instrument in God's hands to bring countless lost souls into His Body, the church. He was raised Mormon but is seeking truth albeit in the Catholic church. My soul yearns for his salvation and sanctification through God's Spirit. I've witnessed, prayed, and agonized for his soul. Join me to see God's promise fulfilled and that early and quickly. AMEN and AMEN!!

Received: December 26, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.


Pray that my son Phillip surrenders his life to God. He says he is an Atheist. I presented a Bible to him and also to his girlfriend on Christmas Day (as well as other gifts), but when he saw the Bible he became upset and left. Ariana, the girlfriend, however, took hers with her. Pray for her salvation, too!

Received: December 26, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


Please pray. I am going paralyzed on my left side although my entire body is numb. I’ve lost taste, hot and cold feeling, hunger, movement. A major hospital system rejected me and says there is nothing they can do. I’ve been suffering for 5 years and can’t stand another day of this.

Received: December 26, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.

ellen juarez

Hi everyone: I want to thank you for praying for my little cat "Little Booky" He has literally gotten heavier since prayers went out. I am so amazed. I have had strength to spoon feed him and purchase food he likes. THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU. I am still working on teeth with an oil. But ultimately it will be Jesus who heals him. Thank you soooooo much to all of you...

Received: December 26, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Please keep my brother and sister in your prayers. They are going through a very hard time. Thank you Blessings

Received: December 26, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


Please pray for Lyn Anderson, stage 3 pancreatic cancer, undergoing chemo all this week. A friend's husband. Thank you! ️ (Syracuse NY)

Received: December 26, 2023

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