You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Pray please for the salvation of my siblings and their respective families. Also for complete restoration of my Mother's health.
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Received: April 12, 2024
Roger Showers
My wife Kim has been living in another state for almost 2 years. We need the supernatural intervention of God to fix our marriage.
Received: April 12, 2024
Olivia Verfaillie
Ken: heal his failing kidneys--doctors advise kidney dialysis now--we are praying for healing without medical intervention. Father God, please make Ken Whole/Shalem/Isaiah 53:5 in his body, soul, and spirit--Divine Miracle Healing. Olivia (me): heal my heart valve and TMJ without medical intervention; Shalem Wholeness for me. Olivia and Ken be given, from the Holy Spirit, a Faith, Healings, Miracles Ministry--or a ministry to help others and which gives glory to God. Sarah: deliverance from alcoholism; repentance and salvation; the Joy of the Lord; deliverance from all bitterness, blaming her mother, hatred, 'woe-is-me' heart. repentance and salvation for all our family members. thank you! 2 Timothy 4:7,8.
Received: April 12, 2024
I would like to lift a gentleman named Mr. Herbert Baker up in prayer. I met him at work the other day before going on my daily walk during my lunch break. He is a very kind man and walks very closely with the Lord. We talked for awhile about the Rapture and the abundance of signs everywhere pointing to the nearness of Christ's return. He also chatted with another gentleman in the building about the same thing after I left. I ask those reading this to please pray for Mr. Baker's walk with the Lord, that he will continue to draw near to God and walk in His ways, continue to edify the church, and help others in their walk. He is doing great things to honor and glorify the Lord. Thank you!
Received: April 12, 2024
My daughter’s niece (16) just had a MRI for migraines and they found she has cancer on her spine (neck) and jaw. She will have surgery probably tomorrow. It must be serious because one could wait months in Canada for even serious Cancer.
None of her family are Christians or Isabella and she is very afraid and the family devastated.
Received: April 12, 2024
Elizabeth Phillips
My friend Susan's spinal surgery was finally approved!! Prayer answered!!! She will have her surgery this afternoon (4/12/24). Please pray that everything will go well and that this will really help with her pain!!! Thank you and God bless you!!!
Received: April 12, 2024
Please pray for our grandson Gunner. He is 4 yo and having facial surgery this morning in CA. He will be under anesthesia. Please pray for a successful surgery, no infection or disfigurement. For pain management and complete healing! Thank you “!
Received: April 12, 2024
Thanks for praying for my daughter’s ear/ skin infection. It has cleared up beautifully with all praise to God who hears and cares. My own high blood pressure from stress has gone back down for now. This doesn’t happen all the time but when I’m extremely tired and stressed from handling my family without my husband’s help. Thank God for the reprieve, I’ll take it!
Please continue to pray for my husband as the spiritual and physical leader. I do pray Proverbs 31 days of prayers for him w scripture. He is very preoccupied with his job more than with teaching his children about Jesus- may listen to his Bible in the AM but won’t read any of it or pray with or talk to his children about heavenly minded things. He won’t join me either. He did these things with me when we dated but shortly after marriage he changed drastically. I do love him. I’ve prayed for 12 years that he would love God first, his wife second and his kids third. He spends 80 percent of his time in his career and I’m starting to see my young son imitate many things his father does or doesn’t do. I’ve prayed with and poured my heart into my son (all 3 kids) understanding the Bible and Jesus and praying for Israel and their education as a christian one at home. My husband and I made this decision to homeschool before they were born and I’ve kept my part but he says it is what I wanted and therefore it all falls on me since he gets a paycheck.
I’ve believed for sometime that the Lord is calling us as a family to move to Israel since his family has Ashkenazi bloodline (discovered this past year). However, his family actually laughs when I share the Bible says God is calling His children back to Israel. They think it too unsafe and that it is more of a suggestion than reality. Pray they will have ears to hear and understanding in their hearts and minds that God’s Word is the only way to follow. Pray for the safety of my family and for my husband to be still to hear from God. The LORD will have to move in his stubborn heart.
Isaiah 22 mentions how Jerusalem was in shambles and trying to defend itself but never stopped to consider where the destruction that came upon them was from- the LORD. He was jealous for their attention and love and obedience. I believe this is true for America as well. We need to pray to the LORD who has told us of the fate of America by absence of its mentioning in the Bible. Also the fact that America is no longer standing in government with God or Israel and is teaching unbiblical things within and without the churches means we are ripe for judgement. May we return to the LORD in repentance for our sins and ask for his protection upon our souls. Thank you and may the LORD JESUS be with you!
Received: April 12, 2024
my grandson has an enlarged heart from the moderna covid shot. because of this he has started to have severe panic attacks. he cannot even sit in a parked car let alone a moving one. he is grown and my son cannot handle him physically to even get him to the doctor or psychiatrist or even to the dentist. we do not know what to do. we do not know who to reach out to for help. we need help and a miracle..
Received: April 11, 2024
I can't work right now, and I'm fighting social security for disability insurance (for over 3 years now). I need a couple of days out. I feel stuck and sluggish even though I can take short walks in my neighborhood. I need healing and work, or case resolution and disability. Please pray for God's will, and ask that the Spirit guide me to opportunities to get out of the house more regularly. Many thanks, and God bless you!!