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I prayed for this

Prayed for 46 times.


Please pray for our daughter who is under attack.She loves Jesus Christ prays and is reading the Bible through.

Pray for her emotionally,mentally,physically,that Christ will give her His Spirit of Peace Joy and Hope as she Wait and His Patience

That Christ will let know and see His Favor Amen

Received: August 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 48 times.


I'm in need of prayer for 2 situations. For the first one my husband and son are headed out west from Aug 31 - Sept 8 for a family wedding. I won't be going with them. Please pray for safe travels and a real bonding time between father and son. I've asked for prayer for my son before regarding quitting smoking weed. He is having difficulties quitting completely as a loss of appetite is one of the side effects. Please pray that the stronghold of this habit would be broken completely and that his appetite would improve. Please also pray for him to truly put God first in his life.

Received: August 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 37 times.


I've asked prayer for this before and need continued prayer. We are having exterminators come out on August 24th for the 3rd time regarding bed bugs. They told us after the 2nd treatment that they had one client who needed it done 10 times. Since the 2nd treatment the number of bugs we are finding has dropped, but they are still there. This is so costly every time and a huge hassle. I'd appreciate prayer for our situation.

Received: August 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 40 times.


I have been facing a battle for 33 years in my marriage, especially the last 20 years. I have prayed and prayed for God to intervene and He has definitely helped me through each and every day. About 20 years ago, I found drugs and so much porn ..we've been through counseling multiple times and he attended a christian mens group for the porn addiction..all at my insisting. The last counselor would not schedule an appointment for him...He said that my husband had to make the choice on his own in order to show he truly wanted to change...So he gave him a card to call if he wanted to...he never did. That was several years ago. Over the last few years, I have found pictures and weed he is a heavy drinker of hard liquor. I finally decided I can't do this anymore. I have allowed him to destroy my self worth....thinking and believing if I was just a little skinnier or if I just don't confront him. He blames me for pretty much everything when I do ask him about the things I have found. He locks me out of his computer and phone...He says if I look for trouble I will find it. I have been through private counseling because of the damage that I have allowed him to cause in my life. I keep hearing that a narcissist does not change....there is no trust , no communication...he just yells and screams and blames me. I finally filed for divorce...yet I still love him and want him to desperately see his need for Jesus. He says he is a christian ...I am not God so I can't judge him...but his life says otherwise. There has been no transformation nor the old things passing away and becoming a new creation in Christ. I am so hurt and distraught but yet I feel like this is my only option. God does not change people..He gave them freewill. I have been pleading and praying for God to break him so that He can mold him and make him look to Jesus . I truly am so heartbroken ...33 years I have prayed, anointing his side of the bed, his computer, his things...and the enemy comes in full force when I do these things. I am so weary and tired...yet God has been sssooo faithful to me. I just can't do this anymore...PLEASE pray for me. I want God's will desperately . He has a plan for my life...I just can't and don't know what I do from here?? Thank you for your prayers!!

Received: August 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 41 times.


My niece Shannon who is severely troubled. She has cut herself off from her family who loves her. Deep wounds have caused her to become bitter and angry. She loved Jesus when she was a young child. But has grown so distant from those that love her. We have no way of knowing of her well being and now her three boys are living with their dad. She is alone in the home . Has a condition called gastrioperisis. Very sick physically and emotionally. Please pray most of all for her salvation and committment to Christ.

Received: August 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 48 times.


End to satanists and all satanic attacks coming against my life . Income now and full blessings on all resources today; Food, Water, All Bills Paid and a way to move forward. And removal of all lies and church games (people trying to sabotage my life) IMMEDIATELY. I need a hotel today and blessings snd favor for Thursday (False accusations)

Received: August 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 55 times.


My Family would be nicer to each other

Received: August 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 51 times.


Hi there. I would like to please request prayers for my sister. This prayer request is also a bit of praise (bear with me; there are several details to this story). I have mentioned her before; she has been lesbian for the past 12+ years and is also mixing paganism--witchcraft and druidism--with Christianity. Her relationship with my parents is quite rocky and she is filled with a lot of anger.

Recently, my grandpa decided to dedicate a safe for any unsaved family members to access should the Rapture occur in his lifetime. My sister went over to his house to help him with something and he not only showed her the safe, but told her exactly what it was for. Understandably, this deeply hurt her, as she felt my grandpa had basically given up on her and just assumed she would endure the Tribulation. We understand what my grandpa is trying to do (which is provide for family), but we also know the Rapture hasn't occurred yet, and so we are to work hard at helping the lost, including family, come to know Christ before it does happen.

Later, my sister told my parents what happened and was prepared to basically disown my grandpa. Thankfully, my parents were able to talk her down and encourage her to politely set boundaries and take time to heal. In addition, she and my dad talked long and hard about my sister's fear of being alone, why her lesbian relationships haven't worked, and other important things. My dad told her only the Lord can fulfill her heart and he talked openly and honestly with her about his relationship with the Lord and its life-changing impact on his heart. At another point, she and my mom were talking about the fact that many people say they're saved and genuinely believe they're going to Heaven, but they really are not because they are missing the fundamental salvation offered thru Jesus Christ alone. These things seemed to resonate with my sister.

I think these things are beginning to open her eyes and are helping her to understand the importance of surrendering her life to the Lord. My dad says her attitude and demeanor have been happier since they spoke (a praise!) and she seems to be in better spirits. She has a long way to go, and many years of walking along the wide path of destruction to address and confess. I remember it felt like her real self died all those years ago when she started pursuing the LGBTQ+ lifestyle, but it seems like it is still in there somewhere, trying to get out.

Please pray she would cry out before the Lord, confessing her sins and getting back into fellowship with Him, and that she would actively repent and turn away from these things she has pursued for all these years. Please also pray that, if she doesn't have salvation despite thinking she does, that she would accept God's free gift of salvation thru Christ alone. I cried after hearing my dad tell me these things because, for the first time in 12 years, I finally am starting to wonder if the Lord is touching her heart, which has been so hard for so long. Please pray for my sister. Thank you so much.

Received: August 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 51 times.


Find church where I live.

Find some saved brothers around my age that would fellowship & have Bible studies

Find some people to witness too

Pray that my wife’s foot would heal

Received: August 19, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 48 times.


send Kim to Iowa

Received: August 19, 2024

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