You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
We pray for the nation of Israel. May the glory of God be seen in the nation. That those who fight them are only fighting God. May they fourish more and be strenghtened and those suffering from anti semitism which is purely demonic., may they be strong and no weapon should form against them. May they be protected with angels of protection and be hedged in Jesus Mighty name.
Received: April 27, 2024
Janice Smith
I am a single mom taking care of my adult special need adult child, that has that has a mind of a 7 yr old. Carrie loves Jesus with all her heart. But she gets spiritual attacks from the enemy through dreams and her negative thinking. She is very fearful with high anxiety. She is to weak to fight against these attacks . I need pray my brother's and sisters with a compassionate heart to pray for her. I need prayer warriors to pray against these attacks. Please pray for deliverance and peace for her and me. God bless you
Received: April 27, 2024
Please pray for my 86 year old mother, Ruby, who has dementia. She has trouble sleeping. Pray for her to have a sound mind, peace and rest. She lives with me so that I can take care of her.
Received: April 26, 2024
I'm in need of a miracle before the end of the month. I work hard and had a great job evaluation for last year. This year has been very challenging. Please pray that I'll exceed my goals so that I'll get a Tier 1 or Tier 2 bonus by the end of April. I desperately need the extra money. Thank you.
Received: April 26, 2024
Please pray for my friend Todd to be accepted in a medical study for his eyesight. May Jesus heal his eyes.
Received: April 26, 2024
Steven robbins
I am in great pain now in a nursing home. I have pain in my lower back,in my belly and have boats of dizziness. Please pray for me.
Received: April 26, 2024
Heather L Heard
In his letter to the church at Thessalonica, Paul asked the people to pray for his protection against attacks from evil...I feel tormented by the enemy and need the prayer coverage for relief and protection and deliverance please. Thankyou please pray for me through out he weekend too.heather heard
Received: April 26, 2024
My 13-year-old granddaughter has been in intensive outpatient treatment for anxiety, depression, eating disorders, cutting. Her parents are looking at school options for her. All of the private schools with biblical worldviews are full or won't take her because of her mental state. They are on their way to look at a school that is very pro-LGBTQ per their website. The parents have no idea how detrimental this would be for their vulnerable child. Please pray that the Lord intervenes, checks their spirits, and gives them discernment. Thank you.
Received: April 26, 2024
ronni croft
update on used car for daughter, Leah, graduating from Azusa Pacific U. 60 of you have prayed, thank you! but, we are hitting brick walls! she finds no cars for sale in dorm or college parking lots. we are looking at craigslist, which scares me. most people sold the cars and do not take down their ads! so frustrating. please keep praying, we need a car by May 9 prefer a Japanese model, abt 150K miles or less. thank you.
Received: April 26, 2024
My prayer is that the church would return to her first love. Right now, we listen to others reading the scriptures and rely on their interpretation of the Word. Now if these teachers adhere to the Word or not most believers wouldn't know one way or the other. The Bible says, "Incline your ear, and come to me: Hear, that your soul may live; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast, sure love for David. (Isaiah 55:3) In this verse it says "come to ME", which is the Word of God. Go to the Bible, church, then you will know if the spoken word is true or not.
I'm afraid the reason the church of today is SO lukewarm and apostate is because most believers don 't know their Bible for themselves. Bible study leaders in the area I live misquote scripture regularly, or don't even know how to answer questions others may have in a Biblical manner. These people are the ones that popular in the church or teach the ideas the church is promoting but are not qualified to lead, right down to the local Bible study groups. Most of those within those groups fall hook line and sinker for the answer they received without question. In order to know if ANYONE is teaching God's Word, " that which divides soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and quick to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart" you need to have the Word of God buried within your own heart so that the Holy Spirit can send you either a warning or confirmation if what you are listening to is truth or error, but unfortunately the church is so lazy to read scripture on their own time in their own home, having one on one time with the Lord. My heart grieves for the church now, they are like baby birds looking to be fed by spiritual leaders to chew up the Word for them and spit it down their throat, never willing to leave the nest to search out nourishment for themselves. This is why the church is weak and cannot fly on their own without going to another conference or seeking out another leader to give them direction. No wonder the Harvest is ripe but the workers are few. Church, you are not lazy to working in the secular workforce, you are the ones keeping it afloat right now, why then are you lazy in seeking God in His Word?