You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 52 times.

Vicki Hoffman

Two of my five grandchildren are saved. They are ages 13 to 4 months. I ask for prayer for Callie age 10 and Evan age 8 to be saved. Our daughters and families are in church every Sunday but they are in a church which emphasizes baptism more than salvation. The young pastor is woke. This church never mentions the rapture or anything about Bible prophecy.Our daughters and husbands are saved and know the truth. I believe we could be raptured at any moment. I talk about the rapture often with our grandkids and am asking you to join me in praying for them. Evan has asked a lot of questions but Callie remains silent. I know Evan is ripe for salvation. May the Holy Spirit convict them soon and very soon. Thank you for praying.

Received: January 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 52 times.

Michelle Payne

Please pray for safety and early release from prison for Jesse Motley, who is just 24 years old. He said that he prays and believes in Jesus. He was given a harsh sentence for his crime. Thank you.

Received: January 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 51 times.


My grandchildren: Jade, Dalya, Tiffany, Amy, Abygaelle and Loick for their salvation.

Received: January 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 52 times.


Please pray for the salvation of my husband. Please pray for my three children-all in their 30’s now. All of them suffer from depression to different degrees caused by bullying that happened at school when they were younger. They are half Japanese and half American. Being half made them easy targets and destroyed their self esteem. Please pray that they turn over the pain and heartache to the Lord and that He will heal them. Please pray that they can stop hiding out in the house and go out and start living their lives in the direction that God wills for them. Please pray that I can give them the support they need without overprotecting them. Pray that I will be a good example to them and cause them to draw closer to God. Thank you for praying. I know that God hears our prayers and answers according to His Will.

Received: January 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 52 times.

Jesse Meat

Please Pray for me... my name is Jesse and I have been backsliding and may have grieved the Holy Spirit... I know that is very bad but I feel very guilty and I want to ensure I am right with Jesus.

Received: January 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 47 times.

Kathleen Paul

My husband and I sold our home and moved across the country 2 years ago to give our kids a better life. For the last few years we've been forced to live in an RV since we can't afford the high costs of housing. We've experienced many losses in the last 5 years and we feel stuck and homeless. Please pray for a home for our family and a good career path for my husband, he's having a difficult time at his job.

Received: January 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 49 times.

Angie T.

Dear Jan and staff for having this prayer Wall.

I need prayer over the revaluation of a sad situation with My Pastor and his wife Mary.

It started with one of the woman in the pray group bought every one of the ladys the devotional "Jesus Calling" by Sara Young. well as the young christ Follower back 2009 I believe it was that year I heard the message Jan had about this devotional being a "new age". So I threw the one I had away. now 2023 I felt lead by the Lord to bring this to the Pastor. I brought him information to show him, I even bought the original with 666 on the cover. so that's when 1. I was put down in a way at the woman's group for saying I was not sure if I would be voting for P. Trump, I received a very ugly,angry look from pastor's wife, who runs the prayer group.

the following week, Mary Pastor's wife put out a text that "we will no longer talk polices, because Her husband (pastor) said so. the following week Mary talked for an hour and a half, all about her. but she spoke of a situation with Native Americans in a very offensive way. I am part Native American, trust me I look like it too. more happened, but 1. Pastor dismissed the Sara young devotional. He won't talk to me about it any feather but gave it to give back me, by the main elder. All the incidents with Mary in the woman's group stated the very flowing week after I was told the book was "fine".

2. Because of how offensive Mary was about Native American's and her non stop talking for an hour and a half. I got up and left when we did finely began to pray. I was way too angry and bewildered that this really just happened. So by the end of the week Mary called me, I did not answer my phone to her, the first 2 times she called. I just prayed for God's help, and asked two close friends to pray also. We talked over the phone. It really didn't go well at all. Mary was very definitive to the point I she, " Mary maybe we need to hang up because you are every upset and I don;t think your hearing me" I am hearing you, she said angrily and loud.

This whole issues of the devotional, her rudeness about Native Americans and her text about P. Trump were all brought up. God guided my temper, my words and blessed me with courage to speak the truth. I asked Mary "did you and Pastor even research the issue of the devotional?" Yes! again a quick answer, with anger" as we were coming to the end of this very upsetting talk. which reveled a lot to me of who Mary really is. I told her "Mary I just want you to know I'll be stepping away from the group for a little bit! Then I need to take you off the PRAYER CHAIN!, she said quickly. I said OK Mary, if that's the way YOU want to play it!. No, if people aren't coming to prayer group then they are talking off. That was a lie, many woman in the past 3 years are never there, and they are on the prayer chain. Then the last thing she said was," Well what am I going to tell the group?, I guess Ill have to tell them about this!' I lost it and YELLED that's gossip!!!! then I hung up on her. I did how ever attended Church that following Sunday. As God would have it she asked for a hug and apologized for the "Native American:" comment. I didn't say a word. and that's the last time I've been to Church. And that was the 1st Sunday of November.because if my two close friends knew about the Devotional stuff, and now the call. Deb, a dear friend who has been attending this bible teaching Church for 20 years, revealed to me that this has happened with her. and

others. One couple will not vacation with them any longer because of who controlling both of them are.

Honestly I pray for both Mary and Pastor daily. And I have not spoken to any one else that Deb did not tell.

I am still watching the wonderful teachings on the inter net. but I am so down, I don't want to even visit with anyone. I stay in my apartment for days at a time, and sleep a lot. I feel a lone and defeated. I still can't believe how petite She was to take me off the prayer chain.I prayed 17 years ago that Jesus be the Lord of my life, but to please keep me from bring deceived, because I come from the Catholic lie. I have learn to not put anyone above God and His Holy Word, I never thought this would happen, but I am Grateful that God blessed me to stand for the truth.

I'm sorry this is so long and I'm not a writer! but I really need Prayer and Healing to get back to a church, I need to be with Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

Thank you for praying...

Angie T.

Received: January 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 30 times.


My daughter, Rylee, and her husband are trying to start a family. She has poly cystic ovary syndrome so it may be difficult. I know God creates. Life and if it be His will she will have a precious one! Please pray that God blesses her with a healthy pregnancy and baby! Thank you for your prayers!

Received: January 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 28 times.

Marcia Payne

Please pray for my youngest son Jason to come back to the Lord. He has drifted away and has become very worldly. He gave his heart to the Lord as a young boy but drifted away in his late teens due to horrendous things that were done to him by a friend of the family who is now in jail.

Received: January 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 26 times.


Pray for my Mother who discovered a hard bump on her scalp. I’m requesting prayer that God will give my mother the courage to go to the doctor. I also request prayer for my self,Iam her care giver. Pray that God lead and guide us into all truth by His Holy Spirit.

Received: January 20, 2024

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