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I prayed for this

Prayed for 28 times.

Cindy T

Please pray for salvation for my youngest adult daughter, Michelle. She is also having many medical problems and may very well lose her job. But she needs Jesus so much.

Also pray for her husband, Jon, who grew up in an unchurched home. He needs to be saved as well.

May Jesus have mercy on them and open their eyes, ears and heart to His love and mercy.

Received: January 16, 2025

I prayed for this

Prayed for 40 times.


Please heal me Lord Jesus Christ

Received: January 16, 2025

I prayed for this

Prayed for 35 times.


Our daughter, Shawna, is 31.

She lives in Phoenix and is a stripper at a nightclub, is a beautiful woman physically, but comes with many many issues. She claims she’s on fire for God and has been for her whole life. She says she’s in her mission field. (When I read the definition of a narcissist, she really fits the description.) She has estranged herself from so many of her family and friends over the years. She left our home (in Minnesota) chaotically three years ago, after trying to heal from a bicycle accident she was in, and also from some other health issues. She cut off all contact with us at that time, but has gradually reached back out to us.

My mom, her grandma, died several months ago. Shawna consented to come back to the Midwest to the funeral, and it was very awkward, but we were glad she was there. We actually thought that our relationship with her was moving in the right direction. But sadly, this has happened before. All of a sudden, she turns on us and spews vile things at us, telling us we were horrific parents, we hurt her deeply, and I, in particular, allegedly lay guilt trips on her. In fact, we have people praying for her from our church & our friend-base… & we have not said one word about her lifestyle or condemned her to her face about the way she’s living & has lived for years. From what we can see, she has very few friends, and she gravitates toward men. She wears the least amount of clothing possible, and has a loftiness about her, also toting long dreadlocks & 2 inch fake nails. Social media and posting her own stories and journey… is her ‘god.’

My husband and I need prayers for wisdom and discernment, where she is concerned. And Shawna needs prayers… that God would lift her out of her current situation and set her up in higher places, That He would shut down the things she’s doing that aren’t of Him and bless the things she’s doing that are of Him, and that God would heal her emotionally and spiritually from the deception she has bought into.

We are weary of this situation & her condemnation of us, as well as the emotional rollercoaster she takes us on.

Received: January 16, 2025

I prayed for this

Prayed for 30 times.


I have an Urgent prayer request.

Asking prayer for protection, wisdom, and guidance from the Lord for myself and my family. For the Lord to expose and thwart all evil plans of the enemy that is using (individuals/circumstances) to disrupt/sabotage areas of our lives. Also asking God for relocation to a better neighbourhood and housing.

Thank you,

God Bless

Received: January 16, 2025

I prayed for this

Prayed for 28 times.


Really scared of extremely evil wicked plots my husband is working against me & daughter in massive trial against our marriage he is bringing us through. He has said he is purposefully hardening his heart as hard as he can. His wealth has him by a stranglehold noose having already done & still plotting so much damage & destruction against me & daughter.

Please pray with me that God would restrain all of his evil as well as his attorney’s so it would not even get anywhere near me & daughter in any way any longer so that all of his attempts would fail. And that God would grant me favor in my attorney’s & anyone else’s sight lacking no good thing being victorious in all ways now & for my future. That my husband’s attorney would not succeed in any way in this case with their evil ways.

Ultimately God would do the impossible & wake my husband up tonight bringing him to his knees making Jesus Lord / authority of his life, repent & come home for a redeemed restored marriage & family.

Received: January 16, 2025

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.

Cindy T

Please pray for salvation for my youngest adult daughter, Michelle. She is also having many medical problems and may very well lose her job. But she needs Jesus so much.

Also pray for her husband, Jon, who grew up in an unchurched home. He needs to be saved as well.

May Jesus have mercy on them and open their eyes, ears and heart to His love and mercy.

Received: January 15, 2025

I prayed for this

Prayed for 32 times.


I am so AFRAID. In November 2024 was diagnosed with Wet Macular Degeneration with extreme dry eyes (both). Need injections in eyeball and have had 3. This last week vision has gotten worse to where it is difficult to read or watch TV. Was not able to see letters on eye chart in doctors office except somewhat with non wet eye. Do not know what to do since my husband is 80 and cannot help. I teach women's bible study every month but am now extremely challenged with that and also am responsible for everything in home including finances, computer supplemental work at home, tax return prep, etc., etc. From what I can find out there is no cure, no reversal and nothing can be done for scar tissue in wet eye that is in front of central vision. PLEASE LORD heal my eyes and restore vision. Help me to fully TRUST and depend upon the Lord. I have nobody to help me. Transportation 2 hours away to doctors is quite difficult since my husband can't drive and neither can I. Am fighting depression and discouragement and hopelessness even though I know that God can just think it and heal me. Please pray. Thank you.

Received: January 15, 2025

I prayed for this

Prayed for 30 times.


Please pray for my son Marley

He has been under oppression for many years. He needs deliverance. Please pray God reaches down and pulls him from his pit. That he experiences Gods love for him .

Thank you

Received: January 15, 2025

I prayed for this

Prayed for 27 times.


Praying for the peace of Jerusalem and complete release of the hostages.

Also please pray for my cousin, Kristen, who is suffering an apparent retinal detachment in one eye with reported blindness from a congenital condition.

Thank you for your prayers. The Lord bless you.

Received: January 15, 2025

I prayed for this

Prayed for 24 times.

Jenny Tressler

Ron Hodgson is a dear, old friend of mine. Some time after my husband died at age 41, Ron and I got back in touch after 30 years and began a courtship, agreeing on its purity until marriage. Unfortunately, Ron got scared and decided that he couldn't "live up to" who he wanted to be for me. He does not feel worthy of love and has very little relationship experience.

He is open to God but feels he is "too logical" to really believe in "that stuff." Ron has disappeared for many months now and is no longer in touch with me. Please pray with me in agreement for The Lord to reveal Himself deeply in Ron's heart, mind, and life. May Ron be brought to saving repentance and a relationship with Christ. May he also contact me for honest communication and, as his heart is willing, reconciliation. The Lord can change hearts, purify minds, and redeem even the most lost. In Christ, Amen.

Received: January 15, 2025

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