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I prayed for this

Prayed for 20 times.


Please pray for jobs for Tim, Matt, and Jonathan, and that the Lord will help their families deal with the stress of them being jobless and grow closer to God and each other through it. Thank you. Maranatha.

Received: February 6, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 20 times.


My 13-year-old grand daughter Olivia is on the edge of OCD, possibly has an eating disorder, and experiences social anxiety. Please pray for wisdom and discernment for her parents, God's grace and mercy to cover the family, and that they would be protected from the forces of spiritual darkness at work against them. Thank you. Maranatha.

Received: February 6, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.


My friend’s 32 year old daughter had cancer as a child. Unknowingly it left her with structural damage to her scapula for which she has had multiple, painful surgeries to keep arm intact. Tomorrow she goes into surgery to secure the plate which is already there. Please lift her and her family up in prayer. It is very challenging and painful surgery.

Thank you so much for all your prayer support. Thank you Lord for being our Master Physician.

Received: February 6, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


Please pray for my daughter Nikki, please pray for God’s favor regarding her job, that it will be confirmed that she gets the position and is off probation. Pray that God’s peace will cover her & that anxiety will be gone. Pray for God’s wisdom to be with her.

Thank you for praying! God bless you all!

Received: February 6, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


I prayed for a job for my niece. God has answered. Praise Him! I still need financial help. Praying for all prayer needs.

Received: February 6, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.

Pauline Naomi Stark

Please pray for our home to sell. My husband lost his FT job several years ago. Since then, he has only been able to find part-time work. With that, our home is up for sale. Please pray God sends a buyer. God Bless and thank yuo for your prayers.

Received: February 6, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.


Hi - May I ask you to please pray and lift up my father Alan Phillips - he is not well in Cape Town South Africa. Please pray for my mother, Mercia Phillips as she looks after him. I asked for special prayers for her blood pressure and her stress levels to be reduced, and for her to be at peace.

Father God, I ask you to pray for my husband, Eoin Harkins may he find peace in his heart through the love of our Jesus Christ, the only Saviour, and our only Salvation.

Please Lord protect my children Oliver and Saoirse in New Jersey and my parents Mercia and Alan Phillips in South Africa.

I pray that God will protect them always. May my husband find salvation in Jesus Christ

Received: February 5, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 29 times.


I plead the blood of Christ over my entire family and over my brothers and sisters in Christ! Lord, please lift the veil of uncertainty and lies and allow us to elevate into the positions you have ordained for us to be in. In Jesus' name. Amen

Received: February 5, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 34 times.


Please pray for my daughter, Abby. She has given up on life and

Wants nothing to do with GOD any longer. Her Birthday is this month and she is still single . After years of prayer for a Godly man GOD remains silent. She lives alone in an apartment in a large city in Texas .. no siblings and no family close by. Lost her Dad a few years ago ,,, it was sudden :(. Says I am not going to counseling any longer nothing ever changes and I do not want to hear anything you have to say about the Bible and God . If He loved me He would send me someone He knows how miserable and lonely I am . In 5 months I am moving to Seattle ….. at least I can be alone somewhere beautiful ( mountains and Ocean ) A path to destruction rebelling at God. Please pray with me for a GOD intervention!

Received: February 5, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 28 times.


I have two thing I really desire, and I know they are well within the will of the Lord, and certainty within his ability to do as well.

The first one is I please ask that you pray for my fiancé that she would get saved. We were both non believers when we met, but I got saved, however she isn’t still. Would you please pray for her to be saved and that God would move and minister to her in a mighty way?

I also have a friend who is struggling by and I mean struggling financially so bad he is about to lose his vehicle, and possibly his home. He has honestly been looking for a job and has applied several places, and I know this to be truth, because I have helped him put job applications in. He is really truly trying, and would you please pray that he would find a good paying job so that he can make it and be blessed by God. He is a Christian as well. I have helped him as much as I can, I’m almost tapped out myself trying to help the man. I pray everyday for my friend, and it’s just seems like it never gets any better for him. If it’s anything it get worse as such. He really needs a touch from God’s hand, to raise up his spirit too.

Received: February 5, 2024

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