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I prayed for this

Prayed for 33 times.


Hello everyone! I’m asking for prayer for a number of personal issues. I struggle with homosexuality, and porn addiction. I am a believer in Jesus Christ (Saved for eternity by faith not by works) but I still struggle with these issues. I love Jesus and His Word but I still fall big time. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!!

Received: February 12, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 25 times.

Susan Huber

My daughter is having a hard time finding a good job. Also my grandsons. .please pray that other Christian come in their lives. They need our lord. Thank you and God bless.

Received: February 12, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 28 times.


I'm worried about going from A (earth) to B (heaven) without screwing up my salvation. I've been in that backsliding/repenting cycle for decades. I'm worried about my salvation. The bible says he who begins a good work in you won't stop until it's finished. The bible also says where 2 or more gather I am there and will grant your request if it's in my will. We know it's God's that none should perish and his good will to give us the kingdom. I need God to send me an army of angels to put hedge of protection up on me and Jesus to anoint me to temptations are far away. And to send me human helpers too. I'm so lonely, stagnant, fruitless, weak, and overwhelmed with sin. The biggest reason for falling away is doubt. I have no foundation as I don't see God in my life. I'd like God to show himself so I might believe. Even the great apostle Paul didn't believe until Jesus revealed himself to him personally. That said, I pray God begins the good work in me of getting to heaven and ask you (the reader) to pray with me so the 2 or more promise will kick in. God is not human that he is a liar. If he says it, and we pray it, it must come to pass. Thanks for praying this for me.

Received: February 12, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 26 times.


Please pray that my 3 children's eyes will be opened to the True Gospel of JESUS. One is a prodigal the other 2 attend an amillennial church down the street and only because they wanna be with friends. Social gathering!

And for me that the LORD will give me His peace. Thank you!

Received: February 11, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.


Thank you for praying for my 2 adult estranged kids. Today my daughter in law called me on FaceTime out of the blue … I was hit like a ton of bricks… I thought something terrible must have happened. But she said they decided to have family time today, all their kids were there and my son. I am so perplexed, I don’t know what to make of it , I don’t know how I feel about it, … they acted as if everything was ok. I didn’t know what to say , was totally unprepared. I want to act like a grandma but at the same time I don’t know any of them and have my guard up. Somewhat unfair to me because my grandkids get the wrong perception. I haven’t talked to my son in over 10 years. Must be a prayer answered and I praise God for this sign. Let’s see how it goes from here…

Received: February 11, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 32 times.


Dear Brothers & Sisters in Jesus Christ,

Please pray for my 11 year old niece who is being bullied at school and said that she wants to say goodbye to her grandma and I because she wants to die.

She was caught tying a noose around her barbie and dangling it off the top of the stairs

Please pray that the Lord gives her strength and encouragement.

& also pray for the students in her school that they may choose peace instead of chaos.

Pray that the Enemy leaves her alone.

Received: February 11, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 23 times.


For all of my children and husband, and grandchildren to turn to Jesus in these very last days.

Some are saved, but prodigals.

Please pray that all of their eyes would be opened.

And that they would reach out to me with questions…

Received: February 11, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 23 times.

Wendy Parrish

Please pray for my husband Harvey (Bill) dealing with heart and lung and edema issues. Thank you all in Jesus name.

Received: February 11, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.


Prayer Requests for this coming week:

For Salvation:

A request on behalf of my Canadian friend Esther:

An old work colleague of hers who keeps in touch with Esther and has started asking Esther questions about salvation. Her name is Sandy; no Christian background but she is searching. Esther has advised her to read specifically John’s gospel

Regarding Esther – everything else remains the same

For Healing – for a Mennonite friend of mine Evelyn:

Evelyn has a lot of knee problems especially within the last two months. Evelyn is under a Chiropractor who adjusted some “things”. After seeing him last week he got hold of Evelyn’s foot and pulled hard where something popped in her knee and her back – all was fine for several days until now when she can barely walk. Evelyn thinks it could be a torn meniscus – but she does not believe it was a result of what her Chiropractor did.

Evelyn needs to be up and about asap as she has a modest sewing business as well as helping her husband Steve out at his sewing machine store. They also have three more grand-children due between March and April I believe.

Prayer for myself:

Ongoing prayer for my family’s salvation please

If it is The Lord’s will to open the doors regarding a new home in a completely different area. I am now on the list under the same Housing Association where I reside now to move to a Warden Assisted Bungalow with a garden [if one becomes available] which would be better for me living on my own rather than in an ‘assisted living environment’ that I am in now. The scheme cover roughly a forty to fifty mile radius but nearer to Oxford but in a village rather than Oxford City itself.

Ongoing healing for myself especially in regard to pain and breathing difficulties

Thank you as always

Received: February 11, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.


My friend is in a bad situation. He is realizing Jesus is calling him to repentance and deliverance. Please let him trust Gods voice and let him put his full trust in Jesus. Please help him to get a job and his own home and use his new freedom for Gods kingdom. Please let his persecutor also learn of Gods endless love and be transformed and sanctified.

Also my mom is having trouble at work. Please help her to trust that Jesus is with her in her trials and that He comfort her.

Received: February 11, 2024

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