You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 32 times.

Theresa Haynes

Please pray for Gracepoint Church, a Bible believing church, in Ft Lauderdale where Truth is Preached. We are preparing for our Free annual Thanksgiving Feast at NE High School Cafeteria on Wednesday November 15th, 2023 to reach our community with a Thanksgiving meal, baskets of groceries for those in need and our worship team will be leading us all in praising and thanking God. Please pray we will reach many in our community with the Gospel. Thank You

Received: November 6, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 28 times.

Donna Dielschneider

Please pray for my unsaved brother. He's 63 and very stubborn and he believes in evolution. I'm sure that explains it all to most of you. Thank you

Received: November 6, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 31 times.

Donna Dielschneider

Please pray for my finances, I just had to put a roof on my house with credit cards as the insurance company said that the leaking from a hurricane was normal wear! Also for my health, I have many auto immune disorders and I just broke my arm. I need to be able to hear from the Lord and I don't know how. I just feel lost and forgotten.

Received: November 6, 2023

This prayer has been answered!

Prayed for 32 times.

Brenda R

My son and his girlfriend who have 2 girls that they had taken away 3 years ago due to drug use they are struggling still and really bad right now with alcohol use. They are trying to get into in patient treatment but due to not having insurance there is not a facility that will take them. Please pray that they both get into a facility and my son gets the anger management that is needed and that some day they will be healthy enough to have a relationship with their girls.

Received: November 6, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 28 times.

Krista Stewart

Please pray for the healing from pain in my entire body. It all started in early January this year when I slipped on ice & broke my right shoulder quite badly. Was prayed for by my Pastors & the Church Body& was doing well when my Physio Therapist torqued my arm in such a way that nearly severed some nerves below my elbow which left my right thumb in a partially paralyzed condition. Praise the Lord, the nerves in my arm are starting to regenerate and I'm starting to get some range of motion back! I still have issues with the soft tissue in my shoulder and cannot raise my right arm up over my head. On Sept. 27th I woke up to severe pain under my left arm & behind my shoulder blade which literally floored me...went to the ER where I was told by the Dr. that it was just pulled muscles between my ribs and to take Tylenol, use heat & do gentle stretching...needless to say, the pain has gotten worse since then and painful to move or even to just inhale/exhale. Feeling like I'm under a spiritual attack of the Enemy!

I also have a strong desire to have the Heart of Jesus for lost souls and to walk in Humility like my Lord & Savior does..."Thank you, Brothers & Sisters in Christ for your prayers! Shalom"

Received: November 6, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


Hello my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I am seeing so much attack spiritually as I’m sure you are too. Much division bc people are lovers of themselves rather than lovers of the truth of God’s word. I’ve been clinging tightly to the Bible as a literal translation and infallible cover to cover with nothing missing. I’ve shared with our church and with other local Christian’s and I’ve shared with Muslims and non believers. I’ve been forced out of christian school and christian prayer groups (left too) and am praying over attendance of my church. I have had to leave the above for them switching from whole Bible teaching to Calvinism or Reformed theology only. Plus have debates with my husband and his family and friends. I stand with Israel as God does and I pray for all to come to salvation before the Rapture and Great Tribulation. My husband and his family follow either Calvinism or New Apostolic Reformation and I’ve had to really share scriptural truths. We live in an LDS area as well. I’ve shared with them and I’ve shared with our pastors who seem to be bent more towards the NAR but don’t come and claim it. Recently a church attendee has made a mockery of the Holiness of Church. This person has divorced their spouse but first chose an open affair and to bring this into the church then to divorce and bring their papers into the church to force their spouse to sign. Then had dropped that fling for an lgbqt one and took part in communion. I addressed the Pastor (we are non denominational) and said how will you handle this? My husband has also been upset about it but tends not to take verbal stands unless forced too. In the night I was awakened and cried before God and read 1 Corinthians 15, Romans 1 and some other scriptures (Matthew 18). I urged my husband to speak with our pastor and some other senior members or laypeople in the church. Our pastor has stated he told this person we can live you but not the Union per God’s word. However, he seemed soft on not telling this person to not come back to the church until repentance has come. I have signed in church in the past myself and had to seek repentance and went through counseling. I’d love to see the person receive one on one counseling but not be allowed to misled others in the church or our kids witness this. Also my children are being raised to know Jesus and homeschooled. They have not yet professed to the church their own faith besides to me - therefore I will not let them take part in communion as it has been offered even to them. My husband and I have been battling NAR (he believes Bethel etc is just really spiritual) and some of these teachings have crept into our church. I read a great article in Harbingers Daily, follow Amir on Behold Israel and Olive Tree Views among other solid teachers. I know this is the shifting of tares from wheat and I pray for my marriage and my church and for “Christian’s” and for my non christian friends to see the truth and hear the truth from what I’ve shared scripturally and ask the Lord Jesus to visit them personally or send messengers with his entire Word. We have only one truth, one gospel, one Lord, one Spirit and one Hope as Ephesians 4 says. It is time we cling whole heartedly to this. In Jesus name.

Received: November 6, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.

Cindy Theriault

For my 3 grown children and 3 children in law to know their Saviour. 2 of them are apostates.

For many nieces and nephews to be saved.

For my 2 sisters and all their families to come to faith.

Received: November 6, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.

Frances Broadway

The Lord told me to put this request on the prayer wall.

Please join me, to bind the devil in prayer to bind the devils words, GAS the JEWS and all the other horrible words that are coming against the Jewish people from the protests on the streets around the world. To pray every day BIND THE DEVIL WORDS and put him in his place the pit! AMEN.

Received: November 6, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


Please pray for my friend Julie. She has been in and out of the hospital for years now. She’s in the hospital more than she’s out. She continues to get UTI infections and antibiotics aren’t seeming to work. She was on antibiotics for two weeks straight with some treatments twice a day, which has caused dizziness. She was out for a few days and now is back in.

I cannot imagine how hard this is for her. Please pray that the antibiotics work and that the Lord completely heals her from these infections and side affects from these antibiotics. That she is free once and for all from these infections. Most importantly for her faith, to keep her eyes on the Lord during this storm.

Received: November 6, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


That we last days believers turn our eyes from our daily struggles to our Savior. We will continue to have worsening difficulties, may we remain faithful to the end.

Received: November 5, 2023

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